
The Counselor for the Department of State (Lansing) to the Secretary of State

Dear Mr. Secretary: In view of the practical cessation of all commerce in German vessels as a result of British naval operations, it seems to me that any attempt of a German vessel to depart from an American port creates a presumption that the vessel does not intend to engage in peaceful commerce, but intends to engage in offensive operations against enemy commerce, or to furnish supplies to German warships.

In view of this strong presumption of hostile purpose would it not be advisable to request the Treasury Department to instruct its collectors at New York and Boston to withhold clearances for all German vessels in their respective ports until the applications for clearance have been reported to Washington and specific instructions have been issued by the Treasury Department authorizing clearance?

This action can be taken under the Joint Resolution approved March 4, 1915.52

Faithfully yours,

Robert Lansing
  1. 38 Stat. 1226.