File No. 8682.
The Acting Secretary of State to the Argentine Chargé.
Washington, October 15, 1907.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 28th ultimo, inquiring concerning the whereabouts of Oreste Rosen, charged with fraudulent bankruptcy in the Argentine Republic.
In reply I have the honor to say that the search for and location in the United States of offenders against the laws of other countries is generally accomplished through the agency of private detectives, with such assistance as the local police can from time to time give in the ordinary course of their duties, which have to do with crimes and offenses committed in the United States.
It may be stated, however, that inasmuch as fraudulent bankruptcy is not an extraditable crime under the treaty of extradition in force between the United States and the Argentine Republic, the fugitive could not be lawfully held for extradition. If a knowledge of the whereabouts of the fugitive is desired for the purpose of obtaining a recovery of the property, this should be done through private channels.
Accept, etc.,