File No, 352/8.

Minister O’Brien to the Secretary of State.


(Mr. O’Brien reports the beginning of the revolution in the streets of Asuncion early on July 2, when the minister of war was taken prisoner; the attacking of the barracks by line regiments of artillery, the police and marines supporting the Government; the continuous bombardment for two days; the occupation by the Government forces of the central police station and other quarters; and the complete destruction of communications Mr. O’Brien informs Mr. Root that the diplomatic corps intervened, asking protection of the lives of the President and ministers, which were seriously threatened, and that the revolutionary committee gave the diplomatic corps a written guaranty of protection States that President Ferreira has resigned, and that Vice President Navero, a sympathizer with the revolution, has assumed the Presidency Says that the loss of life is estimated at 100 to 150, and wounded 400 Mr. O’Brien adds that, as dean, he took the initative in all proceedings of the diplomatic corps, and that both sides expressed thanks for diplomatic intervention.)