File No. 15829/1.
Ambassador Leishman to the Secretary of State.
Constantinople, October 17, 1908.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your instruction No 434 of the 2d instant, directing the embassy to make inquiry and report to the department concerning the removal of restrictions on the importation of typewriters into the Ottoman Empire.
Shortly after mailing the above instruction the department doubtless received the embassy’s dispatch No 774 of the 19th ultimo, wherein typewriters are mentioned among the articles which can now be imported into Turkey without any of the former difficulties In amplification of that statement I would say that under the present liberal form of government no restrictions whatever exist on the importation of printing machinery, typewriters, or duplicating and copying devices, irrespective of the form of type or the system used This change in the customs regulations has been pointed out by the embassy to the consulates within its jurisdiction.
I have, etc.,