File No. 10044/87.
Department of State,
Washington, October 26,
No. 440.]
When you shall be in touch with Lieut Commander Logan, you will advise
him as to the formalities, salutes, etc., in passing the
The Secretary of
State to the Secretary of the
Department of State,
Washington, October 20,
Sir: Acting upon the recommendation of the
American ambassador at Constantinople, this Government has requested
of the Turkish Government permission for an American naval vessel to
pass the Dardanelles and remain at Constantinople at the disposal of
the ambassador in the same manner as the so-called “stationnaires”
of the other powers are maintained in those waters, as an adjunct to
the representative character of their respective embassies.
At the time Mr. Leishman’s suggestion was first taken under
consideration informal conference was held on the subject with your
department, and the expected favorable action of the Turkish
Government was anticipated by the provisional detail of the United
States converted yacht Scorpion, to be held
in readiness to sail when the arrangement should be perfected.
A telegram dated yesterday has been received from Ambassador Leishman
reporting that an imperial irade has been issued authorizing the
entry of the designated American naval vessel.
I have now the honor to request that the Scorpion be detailed for the indicated service, and
instructed to sail at as early a date as possible for Constantinople
Her commander should be instructed to telegraph from Malta, or such
other Mediterranean port as may be convenient, to the American
ambassador at Constantinople, with a view to settling formalities
for the passage of the Dardanelles.
Upon reaching Constantinople the commanding officer of the Scorpion should, after the customary salute
to the Ottoman flag, report to Ambassador Leishman and remain
subject to his direction until further notice.
[Page 753]
The station of the vessel at Constantinople is expected to be
prolonged Her commander will acquaint himself with the conditions
under which the “stationnaires” of the other powers are maintained
there and adapt himself thereto under the direction and control of
the ambassador The commander will be expected to keep up cordial
relations with the commanders of the other “stationnaires” and with
the Ottoman authorities for foreign missions on shore He will not be
called upon to discharge any diplomatic functions, although it is
presumed that his position will be assimilated to that of a naval
attaché to the American Embassy As to this he will be governed by
the advice of the ambassador.
I have, etc.,