File No 4359/4–5.
King Gustav V for the first time received the members of both houses, and
in the presence of the officers of the court and the diplomatic corps
and a large assembly read his address to the Riksdag, which, with a
translation thereof, is attached hereto.
The speech was received with great interest and is regarded as an
important pronouncement of the views and intentions of the new King In
the opening paragraphs due reference was made to the severe affliction
sustained by the nation in the death of the beloved King, Oscar II, who
is mentioned as “carefully observing his duties as constitutional
It is noticeable that the ceremony was conducted with great simplicity,
the King and princes appearing in military uniforms instead of the royal
robes hitherto worn on like occasions; and the King has also evidenced
his desire for simple proceedings and economy by recently declaring that
there will be no formal coronation.
Good Gentlemen and Swedish
For the first time as King I greet you, the representatives of the
Swedish people, and bid you welcome to the fulfillment of your
responsible and momentous task.
Hardly a month has passed since my highly beloved father, King Oscar
II, after a peaceful reign of 35 years, ended his days Severe was
the blow which by his death was dealt to the royal family and the
people, but in my sorrow I have found consolation and strength in
the public sympathy in the loss suffered by the fatherland through
the death of the revered monarch.
Great was the interior development which during his long reign
appeared in all branches, and to which he always strongly
contributed, carefully observing his duties as constitutional
Heavily I feel the responsibility which has been laid upon me when I
succeeded him on the throne of Sweden But with honest zeal for the
welfare of the fatherland and for its development I will ever
endeavor to fulfill my calling In so doing may it be my fortune,
both in good and evil days, to be met and supported by my Swedish
people in joint work for the true welfare of our fatherland.
During the past year the succession to the throne has been still more
insured by the birth of my grandson, the Duke of Uppland.
Our relations to foreign powers is good, and of this fact I received
many proofs at the death of King Oscar.
[Page 731]
For arranging the administrative jurisdiction in the highest
instance, and also in order to facilitate a quicker decision of the
cases to be tried by the supreme court, I propose the instituting of
a cabinet court and of a judicial council, the latter causing an
increase in the number of members of the supreme court These
propositions imply an amendment of the constitution, and other
amendments of the constitution will be proposed, with a view of
facilitating the work of the Riksdag, and to introduce proportional
elections to the committees of the Riksdag.
The constitutional proposition on the suffrage question accepted by
the last Riksdag as resting kill this session, I think ought now to
be finally decided before the question of political suffrage for
women is taken up by me for treatment Therefore the present Riksdag
may not expect to receive any proposition from me in regard to the
latter question.
As to general legislation, I am disposed to present to you
propositions; among others, one for a new penal code for the martial
power and one for contracting marriage, besides which a proposition
for rental law for Norrland will again be submitted for your
consideration The proposition for new legislation in regard to
registry of deeds and mortgages and probate of wills which is being
elaborated by the law-revising commission presupposes, as
fundamental for real estate records, a real estate register, which
will, in several other respects, be of use, and I request that you
grant necessary means for the establishing of such a register.
The questions of determining the relation between employers and
workmen, as well as regarding old-age and invalidity insurance have
long been subjects for the attention of the State authorities But
these weighty and difficultly solved questions demand thorough
investigation and deliberate consideration, and therefore they have
been intrusted to specially appointed committees, and it is my
sincere hope that, after they have completed their work, these
questions may have a satisfactory solution.
Since the elaboration of a plan for the defense of the Kingdom, in
common for the army and navy, as ordained by His Majesty in 1906,
has been completed by the chiefs of the general staff and the staff
of the navy, and further investigations in certain parts of this
question have been made, His Majesty has appointed a committee to
examine and make a report on the aforesaid plan of defense, with
special consideration of the economical strength of the Kingdom.
The period for conscript drills, which during the present year will
be less extensive, will, in accordance with decision in regard to
the new army organization, next year be given their full extent, and
this will necessitate a very essential increase of the
appropriations for this purpose.
In order to promote the development and betterment of agriculture,
commerce, and industry, I will present to you several propositions
Among these may be mentioned the instituting of ferry communications
with Prussia, for which a project, which will be submitted to your
consideration, has been drawn up after proper negotiations.
In order to obtain a more just foundation for forest taxation and at
the same time remedy the so-long-deplored evil that forest
communities do not receive sufficient share in the taxation of
forests, I intend to present to you a proposition for communal
forest excise duties.