File No. 13468/2–3.

Minister Dodge to the Secretary of State.

No. 90, Salvadorean series.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose to you herewith a copy of an act of the National Legislative Assembly of El Salvador, promulgated by the executive of El Salvador on May 8, last, as well as an English translation of the same, approving in all its parts the executive decree, limiting the powers of representatives of foreign nations in El Salvador and the cases in which their intervention in judicial matters will be considered, et cetera, a copy and translation of which accompanied Mr. Gregory’s dispatch No. 77, Salvadorean series, of April 21, last.

I have, etc.,

H. Percival Dodge.


The National Legislative Assembly of the Republic of El Salvador, in the exercise of the powers conferred on it by the constitution, decrees:

Sole article. To approve in all its parts the decree of April 13 last, issued by the executive power, establishing the obligation on the part of the ministry for foreign affairs to denounce the treaties and conventions now in force by which the national sovereignty is in any way impaired, by conceding to the agents of foreign nations the exercise of judicial functions of a voluntary or contentious nature, within the territory of the Republic; to determine the force of notarial acts executed before them in this Republic and to establish other procedures in their acts in accordance with our laws and modern principles.

Antonio J. Matinez,
Manuel Recinos,
First Secretary.
Salvador Fuentes Reyes,
Second Secretary.

Palace of the Executive,
San Salvador, May 8, 1908.

Therefore let this be complied with.

F. Figueroa.

The minister for foreign affairs.

Salvador Rodriguez G.