File No. 11513/12.

The Portuguese Minister to the Secretary of State.

Sir: The whole Portuguese nation could not fail to be deeply touched by the sympathy so generously extended to them by the Government and people of America in the hour of their great grief.

The President, Congress, and the Department of State have voiced the feelings aroused in this country by the dastardly outrage enacted at Lisbon in a chivalrous and friendly spirit that long will be remembered by the Royal Family, the Government, and the people of Portugal.

I have received instructions by cable to tender, in their name, to the Government and to the people of the United States my heartfelt thanks.

As for me, personally, I beg that you will kindly express to President Roosevelt my sense of the deep obligation under which he has placed me by the message of condolence he was graciously pleased to send through Col. Bromwell, and also that you will allow me to add how highly I appreciated the courteous expression of sympathy that you, sir, addressed to me, in your note of the 3d instant.

I avail, etc.,
