File No. 866/34.

Minister Bryan to the Secretary of State.

No. 375.]

Sir: I have the honor to confirm my cable message of this date as follows:

Secretary State, Washington.

Only surviving son of King Carlos proclaimed King Manuel II. New ministry formed. Perfect calm prevails.


and to report that the formal proclamation of the new King D. Manuel II occurred yesterday at 3 o’clock. The resignation of the João Franco ministry was promptly accepted and the construction of a new cabinet confided to Vice Admiral Ferreira de Amaral, who was previously prime minister for a brief period and who has been considered independent in politics. He tendered the leaders of the older parties each two portfolios to be offered to their friends. Three places have been filled by independents who have no pronounced party affiliations. The new ministry is composed as follows: Premier and minister of the interior, Admiral Amaral; minister of the treasury, Manoel Expregueira; minister of justice, Campos Henriques; minister of war, General Telles; minister of navy, Admiral Augusto de Castilho; minister of foreign affairs, Wenceslau de Lima; minister of public works, Calvet Magalhães.

All the members of the new cabinet have served in previous ministries and are personally well known to me.

I have, etc.,

Charles Page Bryan.