File No. 774/169–173.
Chargé Fletcher to
the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Peking, February 14,
No. 845.]
Sir: I have the honor to report that an
agreement has been reached by the British and Chinese Governments for
the obliteration of the opium trade between India and China in 10
As will be seen from the inclosures, which I am able to send through the
courtesy of Sir John Jordan, it has been arranged that beginning with
1908, the annual exportation of opium from India shall be reduced by
5,100 chests annually. India’s total yearly exports of opium to Chinese
treaty ports and Hongkong amount to 51,000 chests, so that by the
reduction mentioned it is calculated that the opium trade between China
and India will cease in the next 10 years. The customs returns show that
China’s total imports of opium last year amounted to about 43,000
It is understood also that efficient measures shall be taken at the same
time by the Chinese Government to limit the production of opium in
China, so that the production of Chinese opium will decrease pari passu
with the exportation from India. If at the end of three years it is
found that such measures have not been taken by China, the arrangement
now made will become inoperative.
It was deemed more practicable to limit the export from India than the
import into China, as the traffic can and will be more effectively
controlled there than at the various treaty ports in China. It has also
been arranged, I understand, that the government of Hongkong will
prohibit the export of prepared opium to China and, vice versa, China
will prohibit its export to Hongkong. These arrangements, coinciding
with sincere and effective measures on the part of China, should
exterminate the opium evil in the Empire.
An interesting report prepared by Mr. Stephen Leech, of the British
legation, showing the result of the action taken by China to restrict
the production and consumption of opium, has been forwarded to the
foreign office and will no doubt soon appear in print. I would suggest
that the embassy in London be requested to furnish copies to the
department when available.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure 1.]
Sir John Jordan
to the Prince of Ch’ing.
Peking, February 3,
Sir: With reference to my dispatch, No. 23,
of January 8 last, antf. in confirmation of my telegram, No. 26, of
the 27th ultimo, I have the honor to transmit to you copy of a
memorandum which I received from the Wai-wu Pu on the 24th of
January, in which the Chinese Government at length, after
considerable hesitation, signify their willingness to accept the
proposal of the Indian Government to decrease the total annual
export of Indian opium, taken on the basis of 51,000 chests, by
5,100 chests per annum, to commence from 1908.
The board at the same time renew their expression of gratitude for
the assistance afforded China by His Majesty’s Government.
Prior to this I had received, on the 10th of January, a memorandum,
copy of which I have the honor to inclose, in reply to my
memorandum, forming inclosure
[Page 77]
in my dispatch, No. 23, of January 8, in which, while admitting
the greater feasibility from the point of view of convenience of the
Indian plan, the Chinese Government betray a complete
misunderstanding of the whole question by reiterating their
previously expressed view that the annual reduction should be based
upon the total import of 42,320 chests, on the erroneous assumption
that an export of 51,000 chests from India would necessarily mean a
corresponding increase by 8,680 chests, the difference between
42,320 and 51,000, of the annual import of China. As a compromise
they were willing to halve the difference and they therefore
requested that the annual decrease should be 4,660 chests, based
upon a fictitious average of 46,660 chests formed by the addition of
4,340 chests to the annual import of 42,320 chests shown in the
customs returns.
In a memorandum of January 17 I pointed out the advantages of the
Indian scheme over the plan proposed by the Chinese Government, and
eventually on the 24th ultimo I received the memorandum referred to
in my telegram, No. 26, in which the Chinese Government at length
accepts the Indian proposal without any modification.
I have, etc.,
The Prince of Ch’ing
to Sir John Jordan.
Foreign Office,
Peking, January 24,
The board have had under earnest consideration Sir John Jordan’s
memorandum of the 17th instant, on the subject of the measures to be
taken for the restriction of opium, stating that, in Sir John
Jordan’s opinion, the limitation of the total export of Indian opium
to all countries would be the more advantageous to China, and asking
the board to reconsider the matter before coming to a final
The board have come to the conclusion that the direct restriction by
China herself of the import into the treaty ports would be
impracticable, and they fully recognize that the proposal of His
Majesty’s Government taking as a basis the total export of Indian
opium to all countries to decrease the amount annually is the result
of an earnest desire on the part of His Majesty’s Government to
suppress the use of opium. The board have the honor, therefore, to
request that the total export of Indian opium taken on the basis of
51,000 chests may be decreased annually by 5,100 chests, thus
affecting the total abolition of the trade in 10 years from
The board have also the honor to request Sir John Jordan to convey to
His Majesty’s Government the expression of their deep gratitude,
[Inclosure 3.—Translation.]
[Memorandum from the Wai-wu
Foreign Office,
Peking, January 10,
opium prohibition.
The board have received Sir John Jordan’s memorandum of the 7th
instant pointing out that the figure 51,000 chests include all the
consignments made from India to Hongkong and the treaty ports of
China, and that it would be more advantageous to China that India
should reduce her total export by 5,100 chests than by 4,232 chests
per annum.
In reply the board would observe that the figure they gave as the
average had reference to the quantity of opium imported. That quoted
by His Majesty’s Government had reference to the quantity of opium
To limit the export is, naturally, more convenient than to limit the
import. Only for the first two years would the figure be
comparatively high, while after 10 years’ time the export would
finally cease altogether.
The board are sensible of the efforts which His Majesty’s Government
are making to afford assistance, and are most grateful. But, they
would point out,
[Page 78]
underlying motive in this case is to eradicate opium, and if to the
existing import figure an addition of 8,680 chests were made, they
consider that the result would be in direct opposition to the
principle they have in view.
They propose, therefore, to reduce the excess figure by one-half,
thus making a fixed total import of 46,660 chests. This figure would
be annually reduced by 4,666 chests, and by this means a middle
course affecting both parts equally would be arrived at, while there
would be greater security if the limitation of the export to China
and Hongkong were to be undertaken at the Indian end.
The Chinese Government rely wholly upon the support of His Majesty’s
Government in this matter. The board therefore request Sir John
Jordan to transmit their proposal and obtain its acceptance so that
it may be put into effect.
With regard to precautions against transshipment or alteration of
destination, these can be postponed for further discussion.
[Inclosure 4.]
[Draft of memorandum.]
Sir John Jordan has had under consideration the board’s memorandum of
January 10 proposing that the total import of opium from India into
China be fixed at 46,660 chests, which figure would be annually
reduced by 4,666 chests.
Sir John Jordan sees great difficulty in this proposal. The board
seems to think that the limitation of the export to China and
Hongkong might be undertaken at the Indian end, but, as Sir John
Jordan pointed out in his memorandum of January 7, “Any restriction
which might be imposed in India on the quantity of opium shipped for
any given destination would always be liable to evasion by
transshipment or an alteration of the ship’s destination.” The board
says, in reference to this, that precautions could be taken after
further discussion. But such discussion would have to be undertaken
with all the treaty powers and would occupy considerable time. Under
such an arrangement of directly restricting import at the treaty
ports India would, moreover, be free to regulate export as demanded
by the market.
It should be clearly understood by the Imperial Government that the
choice lies between the limitation by India of the total export to
all countries and direct limitation by China herself of the import
into the treaty ports. The latter plan, as already stated, could not
be put into operation until it had received the assent of all the
treaty powers.
Of the two alternatives there is no doubt in Sir John Jordan’s mind
that the proposal of the Government of India is more advantageous to
China, and he would earnestly ask the board to reconsider the matter
before coming to a final decision.
[Inclosure 5.]
Sir John Jordan
to the Prince of Ch’ing.
Peking, January 30,
Your Highness: I have the honor to refer
your highness to my note of September 21 and to your reply of
December 2 last, by which it was mutually agreed, with reference to
the prohibition of the trade in prepared opium between China and
Hongkong, that each Government should take steps to prohibit the
import into its own territory.
I am now informed by his excellency the governor of Hongkong that he
is only awaiting notice from me that the Chinese Government has
taken the necessary steps, in order to prepare an ordinance
prohibiting the export of prepared opium from Hongkong to China.
In order that the steps taken by the Chinese Government may be
equally binding upon Chinese subjects, I have the honor to suggest
for your highness’s consideration that the export of prepared opium
from China to Hongkong may be prohibited by imperial decree.
I avail, etc.,