File No. 11513/1.
The Acting Secretary of State to the Portuguese Minister.
Washington, February 2, 1908.
Sir: I have received with profound sorrow your note of the 2d instant by which you officially make known to this Government the sad intelligence of the assassination of His Majesty Don Carlos I and his son the Crown Prince.
[Page 687]Inexpressibly shocked and grieved at this dreadful tragedy, the President has sent to the young King and to his bereaved Queen Mother an expression of his heartfelt condolence in their great affliction; and in the absence of Mr. Root I have directed the American minister at Lisbon to tender to the Portuguese Government the condolence and sympathetic sorrow of the people of the United States.
To this I beg to add the expression of my own detestation of the dastardly crime and to assure you of my personal sympathy.
Accept, etc.,