File No. 3742/28–30.
The President read his message, of which I herewith transmit two official
copies, and the salient points in translation as inclosures.
All the members of the diplomatic corps were present.
Résumé of President Pardo’s Message.
Foreign relations have been kept up on a footing of perfect
cordiality between Peru and other nations.
The arbitration of the question as to limits with Bolivia, subject to
the decision of the President of the Argentine Republic, is in an
advanced state.
The new arrangement as to traffic with Bolivia via Mollendo is now in
force and gives every possible facility to the Bolivian trade.
The modus vivendi agreed upon with Brazil as to a portion of the
territory in dispute still continues without having succeeded in
arriving at a definite solution. Both Governments have nevertheless
come to an understanding that the final settlement foreseen in the
protocol of July 12, 1904, shall be effected before May 31,
Conflicts between Colombians and Peruvians continue to occur in
Putumayo owing to the canceling by the Government of Colombia of the
treaty of 1905. These incidents are to be deplored, but our Loreto
authorities have interfered, reestablishing order and opening an
official investigation to prove who was to blame.
The question about limits with Ecuador awaits the decision of the
arbitrator, the King of Spain.
In February of this year Callao was visited by the powerful American
Atlantic Fleet, under the command of Admiral Evans. The sincere and
friendly reception which the inhabitants of Lima and Callao gave to
the crews of the American war vessels and the honors which in my
person this squadron tributed to Peru form an evident proof of the
cordial relations which unite the two Governments, and in which the
people of one and the other country fully share, as was shown
likewise during the recent voyage of the cruiser Admiral Grau to San Francisco, Cal.
The question regarding the definite nationality of Tacna and Arica
has not yet been settled, and every day the bonds of nationality and
patriotic affection which unite us to those provinces are becoming
closer and stronger. During the diplomatic discussion our foreign
office has had occasion to show clearly once more to the Government
of Chile and to those of other friendly nations that the
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compliance on the part of
Chile with the treaty of Ancon is the only method to resolve with
justice the pending question.
The recent revolution started by a group of rebels, and simply due to
an outburst of political passion, surprised the entire nation; but
it was promptly suppressed, as the whole population is opposed to
revolution, because they now comprehend that any revolution is more
fatal to their interests and to the country than it ever can be to
the party or Government in power.
The number of Government schools in the Republic is 2,410, with
156,011 pupils. During the past year 105 new schools have been
opened. A North American mistress has been brought out, under
contract, for the inspection and direction of the schools for
The works of fortifying Lima and Callao are being carried on
gradually according to modern systems and mounted with Armstrong
guns; two other batteries are being constructed for the use of
Schneider-Canet quick-firing guns.
Several young naval officers are gaining practical knowledge by
serving in the navies of the United States, France, and Spain, and
the Governments of those countries have earned the gratitude of Peru
by their kind attention.
The bond stores in Callao customhouse continue giving excellent
results. This “warrant” system will soon be extended to others of
the principal customhouses.
The national mint has coined in the past year £214,000 in gold coin
and £104,000 in silver sols of 24d. each.
The budget for 1909 amounts to £301,194.
The value of importation in the past year was £5,514,787 and of the
exportation £5,747,732.
The value of the import and export trade in the first half year of
1908 was £5,264,540; that is to say, £175,000 more than in the same
period of 1907.
The Government could not be insensible to the want of facilities in
the port of Callao for the loading and discharging of vessels, and
has arranged with the dock company the extension of the present
wharves and construction of new ones, besides an increased number of
lighters, winches, etc., and it will not renew the privileges of the
company on the expiration of the contract in 1912.
The service of the public debt has been conducted with the greatest
The construction of different railways for the purpose of improving
the means of communication, cheapening freights, and extending trade
with the most important centers has continued without
By means of the wireless-telegraph system daily communication has
been established between Lima and Iquitos.
The Government continues devoting special attention to the problem of
immigration and during the past year has granted free passages to
566 European immigrants, of which 435 were of the male and 131 of
the female sex.