File No. 2151/235.
The Secretary of State to Minister Gummeré.1
Washington, October 20, 1908.
(Mr. Root informs Mr. Gummeré that the French ambassador and the Spanish chargé d’affaires have concurrently submitted to department the identic draft of a note to be communicated to Mulai Hafid [Page 650] through the dean of the diplomatic body at Tangier, formulating the terms and conditions of the guaranties to be given by the new Sultan as the condition precedent to his recognition by the powers. Mr. Root says the Government of the United States deems it necessary that its own interests and those of its citizens and commerce be confirmed and guarded on terms of equality with all other treaty powers, and, if the obligation to confirm and guard such interests be made and accepted in the terms of the proposed note, the Government of the United States is prepared for its part to recognize Mulai Hafid. States that the United States therefore acquiesces in the proposed note and in its presentation by the dean.
Mr. Gummeré is instructed to keep in touch with the dean, making known through him to his colleagues the assent of the United States to this step, and, in the event of Mulai Hafid’s acceptance of the terms, Mr. Gummeré is directed to confer with the dean as to the form and manner of recognition of the new Sultan by the United States acting for its own part, but coincidently and in harmony with the like recognition by the other treaty powers.
Adds that in case of any doubt as to details in this regard he should consult the department by cable.)
- Repeated to Paris, London, Berlin, Rome, and Madrid.↩