File No. 2151/215.

The Secretary of State to the French Ambassador.1

My Dear Mr. Ambassador: I beg to inclose herewith this Government’s reply to the memorandum left at the department on September 14, by Mr. des Portes, setting forth the views of your Government regarding the state of affairs in Morocco growing out of the defeat of the forces of the Sultan Abd el Aziz by his successor Mulai Hafid.

An identic memorandum is to-day sent to the chargé d’affaires ad interim of Spain as a reply to the memorandum submitted by him in behalf of the Spanish Government.

I am, etc.,

Elihu Root.

Memorandum to the French Embassy.

The Government of the United States has taken due note of the memorandum transmitted to the department on September 14, 1908, by the French Embassy at Washington, in which are set forth the views which the Governments of France and Spain entertain in accord concerning the recognition of Mulai Hafid as Sultan of Morocco, and the guaranty which should first be obtained from the new Maghzen

The Government of the United States having carefully considered the observations submitted by the French memorandum, as well as by a similar memorandum from the Spanish Government received through its legation at Washington, is now prepared to announce its readiness to assent to the recognition of Mulai Hafid in general terms, without undertaking to express views as to minor points of difference concerning which the directly interested powers may not have reached an accord, but provided that substantial guaranties shall be given by Mulai Hafid of his purpose and ability to accept and discharge all [Page 648] conventional obligations incurred by former sovereigns of Morocco, as well those of the Algeciras act as those growing out of treaty rights and international law, so that the interests of the United States and its citizens in Morocco shall rest on equal footing with those of other nations.

  1. Same, mutatis mutandis, to the Spanish chargé Oct. 9, 1908.