Memorandum from the French Embassy.

The decision which Sultan Abd el Aziz has just taken in renouncing the struggle against Mulai Hafid, places before the powers a situation which requires their examination. The very attitude which they have maintained during the course of the conflict, their understanding concerning their common interests in Morocco, and the principles upon which they have already agreed when they had to examine the Moroccan question at Algeciras make very easy an agreement upon this situation.

France and Spain, charged with insuring the execution of the most important measures taken by the conference of Algeciras for safeguarding the foreign colonies in the shereefian empire, and especially interested in Moroccan affairs because of their character of neighboring powers, believe it their duty to submit to the cabinets observations suggested to them by the substitution of a new defacto government for the Makhzen of Abd el Aziz.

It appears at once, and that will doubtless be the unanimous feeling of the powers, that it is desirable upon this occasion to affirm, as regards Morocco, their unity and complete agreement, and it seems that the best method of establishing the necessary understanding is to admit the rule that the various Governments will withhold official recognition of the new makhzen only until guarantees and satisfaction have been obtained common to all foreign interests.

The French and Spanish Governments believe that the guarantees to be obtained from the new makhzen should bear upon the following points:

The new Sultan should declare his adherence generally to all the provisions of the act of Algeciras as well as to all the rules of application provided for in that act which have already been established and approved by the diplomatic corps at Tangier, to the commissions instituted in virtue of these regulations, to the shereefian decisions and measures of whatever kind, taken in regard to this subject.

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It should not be forgotten, in fact, that if this act constitutes the international consecration of the independence of the shereefian empire, it assures at the same time the safety of the foreign interests in Morocco.

The rights conferred upon France and Spain, with the consent of the powers, for the surveillance upon the sea of contraband arms, should be confirmed as well.

The new Government should accept as a whole the other treaties and engagements concluded by the preceding sovereigns of Morocco with the powers, the arrangements made with the diplomatic corps, and contracts with individuals. It should assume also the responsibility for the debts contracted by Abd el Aziz. Debts signed for the benefit of individuals should be submitted to a verification of which the conditions will be determined later.

The settlement of the damages caused by the trouble at Casablanca will be continued before the international commission actually in operation. The Sultan will assume the actual and pecuniary responsibility of the decisions of that commission whose powers he will confirm.

Events show the absolute necessity of having the new Sultan, publicly and officially in the eyes of his people, show his firm intention to maintain relations with foreign Governments and their nationals in accordance with the law of nations.

He should therefore disavow and stop the calls to holy war. To this end he should address shereefian letters to the governors of the tribes and cities, which should aim to prevent or calm all agitation and every hostile act in the interior as well as on the frontiers of Morocco. The Sultan should agree to adopt immediately all the necessary measures to assure the security and liberty of communication around the ports and upon the principal highways of the interior.

These guaranties being obtained, nothing would longer prevent the reception by the powers of an official request for recognition by Mulai Hafid. The Sultan will declare that that implies no renunciation on the part of foreign Governments of the continuance of the settlement of the questions which concern their respective interests exclusively, nor any prejudice to their right to follow up this settlement. In this manner France and Spain reserve the right to be reimbursed for the expense of their military operations and to claim directly the payment of indemnities for the murder of their nationals.

On the other hand, it would be proper for the new Sultan to acquiesce in an honorable arrangement for the personal situation of Abd el Aziz, and the powers will recommend that he treat the officials of his predecessor equitably.