File No. 2151/75.

Memorandum to the French Embassy1

By a memorandum from the French Embassy, dated October 21, 1907, the department was advised of a proposal that the Sultan of Morocco appoint a commission to be composed of three Moorish members and members designated by the French, British, German, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian Governments, whose nationals have most suffered at Casablanca, and that countries not represented might attach [Page 634] to the commission a member of their legation at Tangier who could take part in the settlement of the claims of persons subject to their jurisdiction.

The Department of State in reply informed the French ambassador, by memorandum of October 23, that the proposal for an indemnity commission met with the approval of the Government of the United States.

Adverting to that portion of the proposal relative to the representation on the commission of countries other than those specified, the Department of State has the pleasure to make known to his excellency the French ambassador that, availing of the suggested course, the American representative at Tangier will be instructed to sit on the mixed commission when American claims are up for discussion and take part in their settlement.

  1. Mutatis mutandes to Italian Embassy and Spanish Legation.