File No. 10170/11.

The Mexican Chargé to the Secretary of State.

No. 161.]

Most Excellent Sir: Referring to note No. 204, dated the 10th instant, from the department in your worthy charge, with which you were pleased to transmit to me a copy of the communication of the Attorney General relative to the extradition case of George Deering Reed, in which he says that Mr. Thomas J. Alcott, United States marshal of the district of New Jersey, is willing to deliver the offender to the Mexican authorities at Laredo, taking with him Mr. W. B. Snowden as assistant guard, and suggests that the said marshal be furnished with the necessary credentials to obtain delivery of the person of the accused, I have the honor to inform you that the Attorney General’s proposition is accepted, and, in consequence, I inclose herewith the warrant issued by the department in your worthy charge for the surrender of the said offender and the credentials issued by this embassy to Mr. Thomas J. Alcott to enable him to obtain the delivery to him of the accused and to take him to Laredo, Tex., where he will be received by the Mexican authorities authorized to that effect.

It is understood that, in accordance with Article XIV of the extradition treaty in force between the United States of America and [Page 601] Mexico, the costs of apprehension, detention, and transportation of the accused will be defrayed by my Government.

I further have to ask that, in the absence of any objection, you may be pleased, in view of the desire that the delivery of the offender be effected as soon as possible, to direct that he be delivered to Mr. Alcott before the 22d of this month, to which end the requisite orders might be issued by telegraph.

I have pleasure in renewing, etc.

José F. Godoy.