File No. 10170/9.
The Mexican Chargé to the Secretary of State.
Washington, February 29, 1908.
Most Excellent Sir: Referring to note No. 191, dated the 17th instant, from the department in your worthy charge, relative to the extradition case of George Deering Reed, and reserving a more detailed answer, I take the liberty of renewing my request that the accused be transported by the authorities of your Government to Laredo, Tex., there to be delivered to the agents of the Mexican Government duly authorized to receive him, with the, understanding that my Government will pay the costs of arrest, detention, and transportation of the fugitive, in accordance with the provisions of Article XIV of the treaty for the extradition of criminals in force between Mexico and the United States of America.
[Page 600]In this connection I permit myself to call your attention to the precedent in which my Government, at the request of the American Embassy to Mexico, consented ere now to transfer an offender named Morales to the same town of Laredo for delivery to the authorities of the United States on the border.
I have pleasure in renewing to you, etc.