File No. 2413/139.

The Chinese Minister to the Acting Secretary of State.

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note, Serial No. 113, inclosing therewith copy of an act of Congress, approved May 25, 1908, whereby His Excellency the President of the United States is authorized to return to my Government a designated portion of the indemnity paid by my Government in consideration of losses sustained by reason of the Boxer disturbances of 1900. In your note you intimated that your Government would be glad to obtain from my Government an expression of opinion as to the times and manner in which the remission shall be made.

In reply I beg to say that the contents of your note have been transmitted by cable to my Government, and as soon as the reply arrives I will do myself the honor of communicating it to you. I take this opportunity to reassure your Government of the grateful feelings of my Government for this signal act of friendship on your part.

Accept, etc.,

Wu Ting Fang.