The Secretary of State to Minister Wilson.
Washington, April 8, 1908.
Referring to and confirming my telegram of the 1st instant, the British ambassador has furnished me with a full statement of the views of the British Government regarding the reform measures necessary to insure good administration in the Kongo and its doubts whether the commercial monopolies established under actual concessions and the general commercial policy of the existing Kongo Government are consistent with the provisions of the Berlin act. Great Britain proposes to ask that if differences of opinion should arise in respect of commercial as distinct from humanitarian questions the Belgian Government should agree to refer such differences to arbitration. These views are doubtless in the possession of your British colleague. Inasmuch as the treaties to which the United States is party stipulate for commercial and residential privileges, we can expect no less favorable treatment than any other power, and should endeavor and assist to bring about equal and just privilege for all. You will in conference with the British minister and in your representations to the Belgian Government support the line proposed to be adopted by the British minister for foreign affairs.