File No. 17172/12.

Ambassador Griscom to the Secretary of State.


The prime minister has invited me to proceed to Messina and offered steamship accommodations from Naples. I have accepted the offer, in order to avail of exceptional opportunity of getting transportation for two or three consular officers and to profit by special opportunities which are offered me for obtaining and sending news. I leave Rome January 1, taking with me Vice Consul Cutting from Milan, and will place him temporarily in charge of consulate at Messina and secure recognition of Italian Government; also taking [Page 501] interpreter of the embassy and one of the staff of Naples consulate, and Winthrop Chanler, a private citizen, to do special work searching for and relieving American citizens. As soon as I have organized and distributed the work I will return to Rome. Expect to be absent few days only. I would be glad to have a few thousand dollars in case necessary for relieving Americans.

A newspaper telegram this morning from Messina states that Lupton is dead, as well as Consul Cheney and family and Vice Consul Pierce and family. The nephew of the German consul at Messina, on arrival at Naples, confirms death of Consul Cheney and family.

The foreign office this morning consider that the estimate of 100,000 dead is not exaggerated.

The foreign office informs me that foreign aid for sufferers will be gratefully accepted, owing to immensity of disaster.
