File No. 12426/3.
Ambassador Griscom to the Secretary of State.
Rome, August 26, 1908.
Sir: With reference to the department’s instruction No. 175 of the 3d ultimo, relative to the report transmitted in my dispatch No. 358 of May 12 last, giving a summary of the correspondence on file at this embassy with regard to the cases within the last five years in which request has been made by this Government upon the Italian Government for the trial in Italy of Italians for crimes committed in the United States, I have the honor to inform you as follows:
The report covered 12 cases, of which the outcome was stated in 6 only, namely, the case of Romeo Magnotti, in which proceedings were suspended owing to his escape to Argentina; the case of Stefano Bonnano, who was acquitted by the royal tribunal of Palermo; the case of Rev. Luciano Mondo, in which proceedings were discontinued owing to insufficiency of evidence; the case of Giuseppe Calaute, in which further details as to his probable place of concealment were requested of the department, without any reply having been yet received by the embassy; the case of Giovanni Labagnara, in which the charge was dropped by the American authorities; and finally the case of Francesco Luongo, who was convicted.
The archives of the embassy have failed to disclose the outcome of the remaining 6 cases, but in accordance with your instructions I have requested the aid of the foreign office toward procuring all possible information in regard to the outcome of the proceedings in the above-mentioned 6 cases.
I have etc.,