File No. 13815/61.
The Acting Secretary of State to Minister Dodge.
Washington, June 26, 1908.
Reference your telegram of the 25th instant, you can inform Honduranean Government that President’s warrants have been mailed to American consul, Puerto Cortez, said warrants authorizing Peter W. Beery as agent of this Government to receive Francis G. Bailey, Albert W. Bailey, Alfred Oxley, and Herbert H. Meyers (the name Herbert being fictitious). Greeley, vice consul, has been informed that department has no objection to his taking temporary possession [Page 479] in his individual capacity of Goldsboro and cargo pending arrival at Puerto Cortez of a duly accredited agent of the creditors authorized to take steps necessary to secure and have charge of return of vessel to United States. Department can not permit Beery as presidential agent to return on Goldsboro and has so informed New York representatives of the creditors.