File No. 13837/10–12.

The Secretary of State to Consul Alger.


Reference Goldsboro and Bailey extradition case. Since preferring request in telegram of June 1 through the legation at San Salvador for arrest and detention Francis G. Bailey on charge of [Page 477] grand larceny committed in New York, the department has received request from Department of Justice for extradition of Francis G. Bailey and Albert W. Bailey, for whom Federal warrants have been issued, on charge of conspiring to commit offense against the United States and using the mails with intent to defraud in violation of sections 5440 and 5480, Revised Statutes.

You will accordingly request the provisional arrest and detention of Albert W. Bailey with a view to his extradition to the United States for the Federal offenses above charged. You will inform the Government of Honduras, if there is no objection on the part of that Government, that it is contemplated to try Francis G. Bailey also for the foregoing offenses as well as for the offense for which his extradition has already been granted.

At the same time you will state that this Government will be unable, under its laws, to extend the same courtesy in the absence of an extradition treaty.
