File No. 15101/3–4.

Chargé Janes to the Secretary of State.

No. 260.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith translation and copies of the original of a treaty, concluded on May 5, 1906, between Holland and Brazil, providing for the marking of the exact boundary between the territory of this Republic and Dutch Guiana. This treaty was promulgated as a law of the Republic on the 24th of this month, the ratifications having been exchanged at The Hague on the 15th.

The general boundary agreed upon in the treaty is that formed by the watershed separating the drainage basin of the Amazon on the south from the region to the north in which the rivers that empty into the Atlantic have their source. The task of making the final surveys for the exact boundary line is to be intrusted to commissioners who will at some future time be appointed by the Governments.

It is interesting to note that the two parties bind themselves to submit to the permanent court of arbitration at The Hague all questions as to the application or interpretation of the provisions of the treaty on which no agreement can be reached. Should other causes of conflict develop, the treaty provides that a special agreement shall be entered into for the arbitration of the matter.

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This portion of the Brazilian frontier, previous to the present convention, was the only region that had not been the subject of a boundary treaty. With its promulgation, the entire national boundary of Brazil has been provided for through international agreements. Where the final line of demarcation has not already been run, commissioners are at work on the survey or are to begin their labors.

I have, etc.,

Henry S. Janes.

Presidential decree No. 7133 of September 24, 1908, promulgating a treaty fixing the boundary between Brazil and Surinam.

The President of the Republic of the United States of Brazil:

Whereas the resolution of the National Congress of the 22nd of June, 1907, approving the treaty concluded in this capital on May 5, 1906, by the plenipotentiaries of the United States of Brazil and the Netherlands, establishing the boundary between Brazil and the colony of Surinam, has been sanctioned by decree No. 1659, of June 25 of the past year; and whereas the respective ratifications have been exchanged in the city of The Hague on the 15th of the current month:

Decrees that said treaty shall be executed and carried out in every part of its provisions.

Rio de Janeiro, September 24, 1908; 20th of the Republic.

Affonso Augusto Moreira Penna.



The President of the United States of Brazil and Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands, led by the wish of drawing tighter the bonds of friendship which happily exist between the two nations and to avoid conflicts which may arise if the frontier between Brazil and the colony of Surinam was not determined by convention, have resolved to conclude a treaty and to this end have appointed their plenipotentiaries, that is to say:

  • The President of the United States of Brazil, Senor José Maria da Silva Paranhos do Rio-Branco, minister of state for foreign affairs; and
  • Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands, M. Frederic Palm, minister of the Netherlands in Brazil;

Who, having exchanged their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following articles:

Article I.

The boundary between the United States of Brazil and the colony of Surinam is formed, starting from the French boundary towards the British boundary, by the watershed separating the Amazon basin, in the south, from the basin of water courses, that, running to the north, empty into the Atlantic Ocean.

Article II.

As soon as they deem it convenient, the two Governments will name commissioners to mark the boundary.

Article III.

The high contracting parties bind themselves to submit to the permanent court of arbitration at The Hague disagreements that may arise regarding the application or interpretation of the present convention.

In each particular case, the high contracting parties will sign a special agreement precisely determining the object of the litigation, the extent of the powers [Page 56] of the arbiter or of the arbiter tribunal, the mode of the designation of this, as well as the rules to be observed regarding the formalities and delays of procedure.

Article IV.

The present treaty, after the fulfilment of the constitutional formalities in the two countries, will be ratified and the ratifications will be exchanged at Rio de Janeiro or at The Hague with the shortest possible delay.

[l. s.]

[l. s.]
F. Palm.