File No. 7357/364.
Minister Dodge to the Secretary of State.
Tegucigalpa, September 3, 1908.
After many conferences minister for foreign affairs of Honduras agrees as a settlement of Ceiba incident, subject to the approval of department, to make the following decree:
Whereas the executive power in the exercise of right which international law gives Governments of withdrawing the exequaturs of consular officers, and ill compliance with the law of Honduras, ordered that the exequaturs granted Drew Linard and Virgil Reynolds should be revoked on account of their unjustifiiable intervention in the political affairs of the country during the recent insurrection;
Whereas the United States of America, although recognizing the right of the Government of Honduras to revoke exequaturs of consular officers for such a cause, considers, nevertheless, that in view of the relations of especial friendship which exists between both Governments, an opportunity ought to have been given for a joint consideration of the matter on the basis of entire equity;
Whereas the action of Honduras was induced by the abnormal conditions then prevailing, and public order now having been reestablished, nothing stands in the way of a proof of strong friendship being give the Government of the United States by affording an opportunity for the consideration of the incident in the manner described in the preceding paragraph. The President, decreeing, revalidates temporarily exequaturs of the aforesaid consular officers while the Governments consider the affair in the spirit of cordial friendship existing between them.
Mexican minister at Tegucigalpa has offered mediation, if necessary, in accordance with instructions the Government of Mexico.