File No. 836/107–109.

Ambassador Dudley to the Secretary of State.

No. 141.]

Sir: Referring to my No. 123, of the 28th ultimo,1 I have the honor to report that yesterday, in conversation with the Brazilian minister of finance, after referring to the refusal to give retroactive [Page 51] operation to the decree of the 11th instant, which puts into effect the legislative authorization to grant to certain imports of American origin a tariff reduction of 20 per cent during the calendar year 1908, I called his attention to the Government’s course pursued last year. The minister assured me that upon direct petition to him by any importer for a refund of this 20 per cent, paid by him into a Brazilian customshouse, he would cause the amount to be returned.

I have, etc.,

Irving B. Dudley.
  1. Not printed.