File No. 5316/109–111.

The Guatemalan Minister to the Secretary of State.

No. 9.]

Most Excellent Sir: I have the honor to announce to your excellency the arrival in this city of Licentiate Don Juan Barrios, M., minister of foreign relations of the Republic of Guatemala, who has also been appointed envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary on special mission to your excellency’s enlightened Government. The prime object of Mr. Barrios’s mission is to express to the Government of the United States the gratitude and responsiveness of the Government of Guatemala for the many attentions and numerous proofs of cordial friendship it has received from it, and on the other hand aims at drawing even closer, if it were possible, the ties of friendly relations which happily bind and have bound the two countries.

For the due accomplishment of so pleasant an errand, I have the honor to transmit to your excellency, in Mr. Barrios’s behalf, copies of his credentials and proposed address.

I beg your excellency will, if you deem it appropriate, obtain from the Most Excellent Mr. President that he will designate the audience at which Mr. Barrios, in company with the undersigned, may have the high satisfaction of offering to him the tribute of their respects.

I avail, etc.,

Luis Toledo Herrarte.