File No. 10793/18–19.

The Secretary of State to Chargé Sands.

No. 91.]

Sir: I inclose herewith a personal letter, dated the 4th instant, addressed by President Roosevelt to President Estrada, which you will transmit to the latter through the channel most agreeable to him.

I am, etc.,

E. Root.

President Roosevelt to the President of Guatemala.

My Dear Mr. President: I have received your card, dated January 21, 1908, accompanying the gold badge and the little gold railroad spike which you have been so good as to send me as souvenirs of the inauguration of the Interoceanic Railway of Guatemala.

I appreciate the kind sentiment which inspired your action and trust that the great work of which these articles are reminders is but the forerunner of others in Guatemala that will aid still further in binding the nations of the American continent more closely together in the bonds of friendship and brotherly love.

I beg you to accept, my dear Mr. Estrada, my best wishes for yourself personally and for the happiness and welfare of the people of Guatemala.

Very sincerely, yours,

Theodore Roosevelt.