The Minister for Foreign Affairs of Guatemala to the Secretary of State.

File No. 10793.


Excellency: I have the honor to address your excellency, by special direction of the President of the Republic, to inform your enlightened Government of the forthcoming happy completion of the Interoceanic Railway of Guatemala, to whose opening on the 15th of January my Government is glad to invite yours to the end that it may be pleased, as I doubt not it will, to be officially represented at the event.

The cordial relations which my Government is striving to cultivate with your excellency’s Government and the very special circumstance that the work soon to be put into operation constitutes another step forward of the civilization of our continent, to which may be added that it has been carried out by an American concern, with the full support of Guatemala, lead me to hope for the most satisfactory reply from your excellency.

I renew, etc.,

Juan Barrios.