File No. 9254/5–7.

Ambassador Tower to the Secretary of State.

No. 1331.]

Sir: In supplement to my dispatch No. 1289 of the 30th of January, 1908, on the subject of the military case of one Joseph Mayer, now of Ephrata, Douglas County, Wash., I have the honor to transmit to you herewith a copy and translation into English of a note from the imperial German ministry for foreign affairs, dated the 2d of April, 1908, which informs me of the decision of the Imperial Government in regard to the case.

The ministry for foreign affairs informs me that Mr. Mayer’s American citizenship has been recognized, his name stricken from the German military lists, the judgment against him for alleged evasion of military service in Germany canceled, and that the royal government of Wurttemberg will allow him to make a visit to Wurttemberg not to exceed six months in duration. The duly authenticated certificate of naturalization of Joseph Mayer before the superior court of Lewis County, Wash., on the 16th day of June, 1898, is returned herewith.

I have informed the ministry for foreign affairs, at its request, of the address of Mr. Mayer, in order that he may be duly notified by the royal district court of Rawensburg of the judgment which it has issued in his favor.

I have, etc.,

Charlamagne Tower.

Imperial German Ministry for Foreign Affairs to the American Embassy.

[Note verbale.]

The imperial ministry for foreign affairs has the honor to inform the embassy of the United States of America, in reply to the note verbale of the 1st of November, 1907, F. O. No. 1183, that Joseph Mayer, who was born on the 17th of February, 1867, at Staierhof, Gemeinde Tiefenbach, Oberamt Reutlingen, and emigrated to America in 1884 from Stafflangen, Oberamt Biberach, is recognized as a citizen of the United States of America and his name has been stricken from the German military lists. His certificate of naturalization is returned herewith.

Mayer was condemned to a fine of 400 marks, in case of nonpayment to imprisonment for three months, for evasion of military service, by legal judgment of the penal chamber of the royal district court at Rawensburg, under date of the 19th of October, 1904. This judgment was, however, annulled in a new trial on the 29th of November, 1907, and Mayer was declared not guilty of evasion of military service; furthermore, the seizure of his property in the German Empire, enacted on the 2d of August, 1904, has been canceled.

The royal Württembergian government will permit Mayer a stay in Württemberg, limited to six months, in case he returns to Germany.

The ministry for foreign affairs begs that the embassy will communicate to it Mayer’s address, in order that the matter of officially notifying Mayer of the judgment issued in his favor by the royal district court at Rawensburg may be attended to from here.