
The Spanish Minister to the Secretary of State.


Mr. Secretary: In reply to your department’s note dated the 18th instant by which your excellency was pleased, in reference to certificates of the value of merchandise, to request information concerning the organization and actual powers of the chambers of commerce in Spain, I have the honor to inform you that the said institutions are in my country under the direct supervision of the Government, and placed under the ministry of fomento, which is the executive department which has charge of the development of the resources of the country. They are created by royal ordinances, and official notice of their creation is given in the “Gaceta de Madrid,” the organ in which all Government measures are published daily.

I have not at hand just now a copy of the law and regulations governing the Spanish chambers of commerce, but am applying to Madrid for them by this mail, and shall forward them to you as [Page 353] soon as received, none the less venturing to hope that the information above noted may be sufficient to enable the department to transmit to the Treasury the request made in my note of the 12th instant.

I renew, etc.,

L. Pastor.