Memorandum to the French Embassy.

The Department of State has the honor to acknowledge receipt of the memorandum by the ambassador of France, dated March 26 last, relative to the intention of his Government to apply the general tariff to Porto Rican coffee on and after August 1, 1907, and proposing that the interval before that date be utilized for the negotiation of a supplementary commercial agreement between the two countries, whereby, in exchange for the minimum tariff applicable to Porto Rican coffee, the Government of the United States should grant to champagne and sparkling wines produced in France and imported into the United States, including Porto Rico, the reductions of duty provided by section 3 of the United States tariff act of July 24, 1897.

In reply the Department of State has the honor to inform the ambassador of France that these proposals of his Government are receiving careful consideration, and that a response thereto will be made in the near future.