File No. 1943/182.

President-elect Gomez to President Roosevelt.


I have received your telegram of congratulations on my election as President of the Republic and I am profoundly grateful for the honor; I express to you my sincere acknowledgment. The justice you do to my people for the solemn demonstration of its ability to assume the duties of a free and independent Republic affords me the greatest satisfaction. The rigid observance of the law and the enthusiasm of the two contending parties, which led the people of Cuba and their authorities in the same path, achieved the earnest purpose of carrying out an honest election. I am confident that on assuming in two months the Government of the Republic we Cubans will continue to give evidence of the full consciousness of our international duties and of the high appreciation in which we hold the genuine and lasting friendship of the United States of which you nobly assure us. It gratifies me once more to recognize in you the great friend of Cuba, who, since your personal intervention in the armed struggle for independence until your paternal counsel in the days of sorrow, have always cherished in your soul the pure sentiment and firm purpose of seeing our nation free in its institutions and in the full control of its destinies.

Jose Miguel Gomez.