File No. 15927–2.

Minister Dawson to the Secretary of State.

No. 156.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith a copy and translation of the recently ratified convention between Colombia and Spain in regard to giving effect in each country to the judgments of the courts of the other, and a copy and translation of the law of the National Assembly No. 7 of 1908 (August 13) approving the same.

I have, etc.,

T. C. Dawson.
[lnclosure 1—Translation]

Convention between Colombia and Spain.

The Government of the Republic of Colombia and that of His Majesty the King of Spain, desirous of drawing each day closer the relations of friendship and good understanding happily existing between the two nations, have resolved to celebrate a convention for the carrying out of the civil judgments issued by the tribunals of both countries, and for this purpose have named:

The Government of the Republic of Colombia, his excellency Juan Evangelista Manrique, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary in this court; and.

The Government of His Majesty the King of Spain, his excellency Manuel Allendesalazar y Munoz de Salazar, grand cross of the Order of Piana, of [Page 212] Christ of Portugal, of the Order of Victoria of Great Britain, and the Legion of Honor of France, minister of state, etc., who, duly authorized, have agreed on the following articles:

  • Article 1. The civil judgments pronounced by the ordinary tribunals of either of the high contracting parties shall be executed in the other, providing always that they have the following requisites:
    That they shall be final judgments and executable in law as may be necessary for their execution in the country in which they have been issued.
    That they shall not be contrary to the laws in force in the state where their execution is asked.
  • Art. 2. The first requisite referred to in the previous article shall be proved by a certificate issued by the minister of government or of pardon and justice, his signature being legalized by the corresponding minister of state or of foreign relations and his in its turn by the respective diplomatic agent accredited in the place of the legalization.
  • Art. 3. Before execution of the judgment, the public prosecutor or attorney shall be heard, in accordance with the laws of the two contracting countries, and from the decree or judgment rendered by the tribunal applied to no appeal shall lie.
  • Art. 4. The present convention shall be ratified in conformity with the respective laws of the two countries, and the ratifications shall be exchanged in Madrid as soon as possible, and it shall remain in vigor until one year after the date in which one of the high contracting parties shall have denounced it in whole or in part.

In faith of which the undersigned have signed the present convention, placing their seals upon it.

Juan E. Manrique.

Manuel Allendesalazar.
[Inclosure 2—Translation.]

law no. 7 of 1908 (13th of august) by which a convention between colombia and spain is approved.

The national constituent and legislative assembly decree:

A convention between Colombia and Spain for the carrying out of civil judgments, signed at Madrid May 30, 1908, by His Excellency Juan Evangelista Manrique, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Republic in said Court, and His Excellency Manuel Allendesalazar y Munoz de Salazar, Minister of His Catholic Majesty, is hereby approved.

  • Alfredo Vazquez Cobo,
  • Gerardo Arrubla,
  • Fernando E. Baena,