

  • Abyssinia:
    • agreement between Great Britain, France, and Italy in regard to the importation of arms and ammunition into 430
    • agreement between France, Great Britain, and Italy concerning 579
  • Accession of King Gustav V to the throne of Sweden 1019
  • Accidental killing of Lieut. Clarence England, U. S. Navy, by stray bullets from a French warship engaged in rifle practice 398
  • Acquisition of property for American missionaries in Morocco and rental of a house in the Moorish quarter of Mequinez 881
  • Administration of estates of Danish subjects deceased in the United States 303
  • Admission of American meats into Austria 62
  • Adoption by American citizen of child born of foreign parents. 1015
  • Affairs in:
    • the Kongo, investigation of 791
    • Korea 770
    • Russia 982
  • Afghanistan, convention between Great Britain and Russia concerning 551
  • Africa:
    • international convention for the regulation of the traffic of spirits in 79
    • agreement between France and Spain for the maintenance of their territorial status quo in the Mediterranean and on the Atlantic coasts of Europe and 434
  • Agreements. See Treaties.
  • Agreement between Great Britain and Spain for the preservation of their territorial status quo in the Mediterranean and on the Atlantic coasts of Europe and Africa 538
  • Ahl, George, military service case of, in Germany 526
  • Alert, fishery rights in the Magdalena Islands 533
  • Alfaro, Gen. Eloy, election of, as President of Ecuador 383
  • Aliens:
    • impressment of, into the military service of Guatemala 589
    • payment of passage money of 69
  • Alsace, Germany, extension of the provisions of the naturalization treaties between the United States and Germany to 511
  • Amapala, treaty of peace between Nicaragua and Salvador, 1907 633
  • American citizen, extradition of an, to the Argentine Republic from France 411
  • jurisdiction over offense of criminal libel committed by, in Egypt 1076
  • American citizens:
    • consideration of personal character and conduct in issuing passports 1082
    • consular jurisdiction over estates of, abroad. 750, 1063
    • consular jurisdiction over estates of, dying in Panama 937
    • decorations conferred on, prior to their receiving appointment in the diplomatic service 1016
    • effect of acceptance of titles of nobility on 957
    • illtreatment of, by Haitian soldiers 742
    • marriage of, with British subjects 538
    • marriage of, in Germany or on German territory 519
    • marriage of, in Japan 761
    • protection of, against acts of brigandage in Turkey 1071
    • registration of 6
    • status of child born of foreign parents adopted by 1015
  • American consular courts; recognition in Turkey of competency alone to determine legal heirs of American citizens 1063
  • American institutions in Turkey, equal treatment for 1046
  • American meat products, discrimination against in France 402
  • American missionaries in Morocco. See Missionaries.
  • American patent medicines, removal of restrictions on, in Turkey 1069
  • American reservation of rights in the extension of the Japanese concession at Hankau 224
  • American typewriting machines, restrictions on importation into Turkey 1073
  • Antung:
    • opening of customs-house at 136
    • opening of, to international trade 221
  • Application to other countries of administrative provisions of commercial agreement between United States and Germany 486
  • Arbitration, compulsory, Second Peace Conference 1174, 1276
  • Arbitration court, judicial, action taken at Second Peace Conference 1277
  • Arbitration of the difficulty between the Ecuadoran Government and the Guayaquil and Quito Railway Company, an American corporation 385
  • Arbitration treaty between Spain and Switzerland 1014
  • Argentine Republic:
    • amendment of the Argentine customs regulations 40
    • bonds of the Entre Rios Eastern Railway Company 39
    • boundary dispute between Brazil and, decree approving final acts of mixed commission 22
    • convention between Uruguay and, concerning letters rogatory 47
    • extradition of Frederick Lodge Jacobs, an American citizen, from France to the 411
    • message of the President of the 20
    • railway concession law 42
    • registration of child of diplomatic officer born abroad 38
    • rejection of shipment of deviled ham 23
    • revolutionary disturbances 16
  • Arms and ammunition:
    • importation of, into Abyssinia, agreement between Great Britain, France, and Italy in regard to 430
    • restrictions on importation into China 199
    • smuggling of, for use of Yaqui Indians in Mexico 846
  • Arrangements. See Treaties.
  • Asia, convention between Great Britain and Russia concerning the interests of their states on the continent of 549, 980
  • Assassination, attempted, of President Estrada, of Guatemala 598
  • Assassinations in Russia 982
  • Assemblies, deliberative, in China, edict establishing 197
  • Assembling of the Constitutional Congress of Colombia, provision for 294
  • Assumed names, passports issued under 835
  • Atlantic coasts of Europe and Africa, agreement between France and Spain for the maintenance of their territorial status quo in the Mediterranean and on 434
  • Atlantic Fleet, cruise of the, to the Pacific coast 15
  • Attempt on the life of the President of the French Republic 432
  • Attempt on the life of President of Guatemala 598
  • Austria-Hungary:
    • admission of American meats into Austria 62
    • application to, of administrative provisions of commercial agreement between United States and Germany 486
    • copyright agreement between the United States and Austria 62
    • foreigners killed or injured while in the service of the United States Government 58
    • imperial speech to Parliament 60
    • military service of Peter Szatkowski 50
    • observance by the several States of the provisions of Article XVI of the consular convention concerning notice of deceased Austro-Hungarians in the United States whose heirs or executors are unknown 52
    • universal suffrage in Austria 56
[Page 1291]


  • Backer, David A., ill treatment of, by Haitian soldiers 742
  • Balloons, international convention relative to discharging of projectiles from 1246
  • Bancos in the Rio Grande, convention between the United States and Mexico for the elimination of, from the effects of Article II of the treaty of November 12, 1884 837
  • Belgium:
    • Brussels sugar convention of March, 1902, additional act to 68
    • colonial project 810
    • commercial treaty with Roumania 974
    • convention with Sweden relative to property rights 76
    • denunciation by Brazil of treaty relating to consuls 117
    • discrimination against American products.
    • emigration agents of South Carolina, Louisiana, and Virginia in Europe 69
    • extradition treaty, additional, between Great Britain and 84
    • international convention for the regulation of the traffic of spirits in Africa 79
    • investigation of affairs in the Kongo 791
    • treaty with the Kongo 826
  • Belling, Clemens, citizenship of 975
  • Benatuil, indemnity paid to, by Morocco 884
  • Bolivia:
    • arrangement for the settlement of the boundary dispute between Paraguay and 85
    • financial conditions in 85
  • Bombardment by naval forces, international convention relative to 1225
  • Bonds:
    • Cuban, of June 1, 1869 296
    • of the Entre Rios Eastern Railway Company 39
  • Borneo, North, arrangement between the United States and Great Britain for the administration and lease of certain small islands on the, coast by the British North Borneo Company 542
  • Boundary:
    • agreement between Colombia and Brazil 108
    • between Colombia and Peru, denunciation of modus vivendi concerning 292
    • dispute between Argentine Republic and Brazil, decree approving final acts of mixed commission 22
    • dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay, arrangement for the settlement of the 85
    • and navigation treaty between Colombia and Brazil 292
  • Brazil:
    • agreements between Colombia and, relative to boundaries, navigation, and commerce 108
    • boundary dispute between Argentine Republic and, decree approving final acts of mixed commission 22
    • boundary and navigation treaty between Colombia and 292
    • denunciation of treaties between, and certain other powers 117
    • immigration regulations 95
    • preferential tariff concessions in favor of American products 90
    • regulations concerning the expulsion of foreigners from 113
  • Brigandage:
    • Kaid Maclean, a British officer, held prisoner by Raisuli 876
    • protection of American citizens against acts of, in Turkey 1071
  • British North Borneo Company, arrangement between the United States and Great Britain for the administration and lease of certain small islands on the North Bornean coast by the 542
  • British subjects, marriage of, with foreigners 538
  • Brussels sugar convention of March, 1902, additional act to 68
  • Buchanan, William L, report of the Central American Peace Conference held at Washington, 1907 665
  • Bulgaria:
    • commercial arrangement between Turkey and 119
  • Bureau, Central American, convention for the establishment of 705
[Page 1292]


  • Cairo:
    • improvement of sanitary conditions in 1083
    • increase of taxes in 1083
  • Capture, right of, in naval war, international convention 1236
  • Casablanca, international commission for adjustment of damages growing out of disorders at 889
  • Central America. (See also Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Salvador.)
    • good offices of the United States and Mexico for the conservation of peace in 606, 636
    • peace conference, Washington, 1907, report of 665
    • railways in, notes on 711
  • Central American:
    • bureau, convention for the establishment of 705
    • conferences—
      • convention concerning future 708
    • peace conference—
      • delegates to the 666
      • general treaty of peace and amity 692
      • additional convention to 696
      • convention for the establishment of Central American court of justice 697
      • extradition convention 702
      • convention for the establishment of an International Central American Bureau 705
      • convention for the establishment of a Central American pedagogical institute 707
      • convention concerning future Central American conferences 708
      • convention on communications 709
      • notes on a railway through Central America 711
    • peace protocol 644
  • Certificates, section 6, Chinese, issuance and visé of 268
  • Champagne, interpretation of the word, as used in the commercial agreement between the United States and Germany 508
  • Character, consideration of personal, in issuance of passports 1082
  • Children:
    • born of foreign parents and adopted by American citizen. 1015
    • citizenship of, born of foreign parents residing in Chile 124
    • of American citizens born abroad, citizenship of 9
  • Chile:
    • citizenship of children born of foreign parents residing in Chile 124
    • claim of the Chilean steamer Lautaro, destroyed while in the service of the Department of Panama, v. Colombia 293
    • message of the President of, to the Chilean Congress 126
    • treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation between Japan and 120
  • China:
    • agreement between Japan and, concerning the establishment of a maritime customs office at Darien and inland waters steam navigation 133
    • agreement with Japan relative to railroads in Manchuria 776
    • arms and ammunition, restrictions on importation 199
    • customs and inland taxation 226
    • foreign settlements in 218
    • issuance and visé of section 6 certificates 268
    • Lienchou indemnity settlement. 211
    • open-door policy in Manchuria; establishment of custom-houses and opening of ports to international trade 130
    • opium restrictions 140
    • payment of the Chinese indemnity—return by the United States of a portion of its allotment 174
    • protection of foreign missions 176
    • race distinctions, edict re abolition of 197
    • reciprocal agreement between the United States and Denmark for the protection of trade-marks in 266
    • reciprocal protection of trade-marks and copyrights 248
    • reforms, governmental and educational 178
    • reservation of American rights in the extension of the Japanese concession at Hankau 224
    • regulations for the reorganization of the provincial governments of 184
    • Russo-Chinese agreement relative to establishment of customs-houses in northern Manchuria 138
    • stamping of deeds for property purchased for missionary purposes 206
    • treaty between France and Japan relative to 754
    • treaty between Japan and Russia guaranteeing the integrity of, and the principle of the “open door” 765
  • Chinese:
    • certificates, issuance and visé of section 6 268
    • indemnity, payment of, return by the United States of a portion of its allotment 174
    • protection of, in Guatemala 590
    • protection of interests of, in Panama 929
    • rules regarding residence of, in Panama 933
  • Cities, sanitation of Cuban 301
  • Citizenship:
    • as obstacle to reception in diplomatic capacity 1091
    • child born of foreign parents and adopted by American citizen 1015
    • child of diplomatic officer born abroad 38
    • children of American citizens born abroad 9
    • children born of foreign parents residing in Chile 124
    • effect of acceptance of titles of nobility on American 957
    • expatriation 3
    • extension of the provisions of the naturalization treaties between the United States and Germany to Alsace-Lorraine 511
    • of Clemens Belling 975
    • of Nicholas and Theodore S. Theodore 1066
    • persons born in the United States of German parents and living in Germany 516
    • persons born of foreign parents in Nicaragua 918
    • registration of American citizens 6
    • registration of Porto Ricans 1096
    • registration of women who desire to resume or retain American citizenship 10
    • reports of fraudulent naturalization 8
  • Claim of Messrs. Laurent and Lambert v. the United States for losses sustained during the Spanish-American war 392
  • Claims:
    • v. Colombia. Lautaro, Chilean steamer, destroyed while in the service of the Department of Panama 293
    • Cuban insurrection, provision for the settlement of 298
    • Deeb, Ricardo A., v. Colombia 287
  • Coaling vessels, reciprocal agreement between the United States and Mexico relative to the stationing of 845
  • Cohen, Isaac L., indemnity paid to by Morocco 883
  • Collisions at sea, regulations for preventing 1
  • Colombia:
    • agreements between Brazil and, relative to boundaries, navigation, and commerce 108
    • boundary and navigation treaty between Brazil and 292
    • claim of the Chilean steamer Lautaro, destroyed while in the service of the Department of Panama, v 293
    • claim of Ricardo A. Deeb v 287
    • denunciation of the modus vivendi concerning the boundary between Peru and 292
    • message of the President of Colombia to the Colombian Congress. 282
    • Provision for the assembling of the Constitutional Congress 294
    • recognition of separation of Panama by 293
  • Colonial project of Belgium 810
  • Commerce, friendship and navigation treaty between Japan and Chile 120
  • Commerce and navigation treaty between Roumania and France 973
  • Commercial agreements:
    • additional and amendatory to the agreement of May 22, 1899, between the United States and Portugal 954
    • between Brazil and Colombia 108
    • between the United States and Germany 477
      • application of the administrative provisions of the, to—
        • Austria-Hungary 486
        • France 492
        • Great Britain 494
        • Italy 501
        • Switzerland 502
      • interpretation of the word “champagne” 508
    • between the United States and Great Britain 577
  • Commercial arrangement between Bulgaria and Turkey 119
  • Commercial travelers in Denmark, regulations concerning. 302
  • Commercial treaty:
    • between Belgium and Roumania 974
    • between Italy and Russia 748
    • between Italy and Servia 974
    • between Roumania and Italy 973
  • Commission:
    • international, for the investigation of opium traffic in the Far East 140
    • international, for the adjustment of damages growing out of disorders at Casablanca 889
  • Communications, convention on 709
  • Compulsory arbitration, Second Peace Conference 1174, 1276
  • Concession, Hankau, extension of Japanese, reservation of American rights in 224
  • Concessions:
    • tariff preferential, in favor of American products in Brazil 90
    • railway-concession law of the Argentine Republic 42
  • Conditions in:
    • Crete 585
    • the Kongo, report of the American consul-general at Boma 813
    • the Kongo, report of the American vice-consul general at Boma 823
  • Conferences, diplomatic. (See International diplomatic conferences.)
  • Congress, constitutional, of Colombia, provision for the assembling of 294
  • Constituent convention of 1907 and constitution promulgated in the Dominican Republic 361
  • Constitution of the Dominican Republic, promulgation of 361
  • Consular:
    • administration of estates of Danish subjects deceased in the United States 303
    • convention of June 11, 1870, between Austria-Hungary and the United States, observance of Article XVI of the 52
    • courts in Turkey, competency alone to determine legal heirs of American citizen 1063
    • jurisdiction over estates 750
    • jurisdiction over estates of American citizens dying in Panama 937
  • Contract:
    • debts, international convention for recovery of 1199
    • labor law, application to immigrants whose passage money is paid as an inducement to immigration 69
  • Convention:
    • constituent, of 1907, and promulgation of constitution of the Dominican Republic 361
    • consular, between Austria-Hungary and the United States, observance of Article XVI of the 52
  • Conversion of merchant ships into warships, international convention 1250
  • Copyright agreement between the United States and Austria 62
  • Copyrights, reciprocal protection of, in China 248
  • Costa Rica:
    • Central American Peace Conference, Washington 665
    • Central American peace protocol 644
  • Court:
    • international prize 1253
    • judicial arbitration, action taken at the Second Peace Conference 1277
    • of Justice, convention for establishment of Central American 697
  • Crete, conditions in 585
  • Cruise of the Atlantic Fleet to the Pacific coast 15
  • Customs:
    • and inland taxation in China 226
    • Dominican—
      • final report of the transactions of the receivership 322
      • review of the transactions of the, of Santo Domingo 331
    • duties, Turkish, increase of 1051
    • regulations, amendment of the Argentine 40
    • revenues of the Dominican Republic, assistance of the United States in the collection and application of 307
    • settlement of the Northern Manchurian question 138
  • Customs-houses:
    • Antung, opening of 136
    • Darien, establishment of, at 133
    • Dalny, opening of 136
    • establishment of, and opening of ports to international trade in Manchuria 130
    • Russo-Chinese agreement relative to Northern Manchuria 138
  • Cuba:
    • Cuban bonds of June 1, 1869 296
    • provision for the settlement of claims growing out of the late Cuban insurrection 298
    • sanitation of Cuban cities 301
  • Cuban:
    • bonds of June 1, 1869 296
    • insurrection, provision for the settlement of claims growing out of 298


  • Dalny, opening of customs-house at 136
  • Danish subjects deceased in the United States, administration of estates of 303
  • Darien, agreement between China and Japan concerning the establishment of a maritime customs office at, and inland waters steam navigation 133
  • Death of:
    • Austro-Hungarians in the United States, observance of Article XVI of the consular convention of June 11, 1870, between Austria-Hungary and the United States, relative to 52
    • the minister of Norway to the United States 925
    • Shah of Persia 948
    • King Oscar II of Sweden 1019
  • Death penalty in Uruguay, law abolishing 1085
  • Debts, international convention for recovery of contract 1199
  • Decisions in extradition cases between the United States and Mexico, notice of 843
  • Declaration made between Italy and Denmark for the protection of designs and industrial models 745
  • Decorations conferred on American citizens prior to their receiving appointment in diplomatic service 1016
  • Deeb, Ricardo A., claim of, v. Colombia 287
  • Deeds, stamping of, for property purchased for missionary purposes in China 206
  • Delegates to the Central American Peace Conference 666
  • Denmark:
    • administration of estates of Danish subjects deceased in the United States. 303
    • agreement between the United States and, for the protection of trademarks in China 266
    • declaration between Italy and, for protection of designs and industrial models 745
    • regulations concerning commercial travelers 302
  • Dentistry, requirements for the practice of, in Greece 584
  • Denunciation:
    • of modus vivendi concerning boundary between Colombia and Peru 292
    • of treaties between Brazil and certain other powers 117
  • Deportation of persons merely charged with crime 1043
  • Depredations of Yaqui Indians in Mexico 846
  • Designs and industrial models, declaration between Italy and Denmark, for protection of 745
  • Destruction of tobacco belonging to Italian Government 745
  • Detention of persons merely charged with crime 1043
  • Deviled ham, rejection of shipment of, by the Argentine Republic 23
  • Difficulty between the Ecuadorean Government and the Guayaquil and Quito Railway Company, an American corporation, arbitration of the 385
  • Diplomatic immunities 1091
  • of an ambassador’s household 527
  • Diplomatic officer, registration of child of, born abroad 38
  • Diplomatic representation in Greece, protection of foreigners having no 583
  • Diplomatic service, decorations conferred on American citizens prior to appointment in 1016
  • Disarmament, inclusion of in programme for discussion at Hague Peace Conference 1099
  • Disaster to the French war ship Jena 431
  • Discharging projectiles from balloons, international convention 1246
  • Discrimination:
    • alleged against American lubricating oils in Belgium 77
    • against American meat products in France 402
  • Disputes, convention for settlement of international 1181
  • Disturbances, revolutionary, in the Argentine Republic 16
  • Dominican customs, final report of the, receivership 322
  • Dominican Republic:
    • constituent convention of 1907 and constitution promulgated on September 9, 1907 361
    • convention between the United States of America and the, providing for the assistance of the United States in the collection and application of the customs revenues of the Dominican Republic, the enabling act, and other correspondence relative to the interpretation and enforcement of the treaty 307
    • customs receivership, regulations for government of 317
    • enabling act, for the collection and application of customs revenues 307
    • final report of customs receivership 322
    • financial affairs in the 306
    • political affairs in the 360
    • review of the transactions of the customs receivership 331
    • trade-mark law 379
  • Douma, Russian, sessions of 982
  • Duties, increase of Turkish customs 1051


  • Earthquake in Jamaica 558
  • Ecuador:
    • arbitration of the difficulty between the Ecuadorean Government and the Guayaquil Railway Company, an American corporation 385
    • election of Gen. Eloy Alfaro as President of 383
  • Educational and governmental reforms in China 178
  • Egypt:
    • improvement of sanitary conditions 1083
    • increase of taxes in Cairo 1083
    • jurisdiction over the offense of criminal libel committed by an American citizen in Egypt 1076
  • Election laws in Russia 982
  • Election of:
    • Gen. Eloy Alfaro as President of Ecuador 383
    • President of Liberia 831
    • President of Uruguay 1088
  • Elimination of bancos in the Rio Grande 837
  • Emigrants, payment of passage money of, by agents of certain States 69
  • Emigration agents of South Carolina, Louisiana, and Virginia in Europe 69
  • Enabling act, Dominican, for the collection and application of customs revenues 307
  • Enemy merchant ships, international convention relative to status of 1247
  • England, Lieut. Clarence, U. S. Navy, accidental killing of, by stray bullets from a French war ship engaged in rifle practice 398
  • Entre Rios Eastern Railway Company, bonds of 39
  • Equal treatment for American institutions in Turkey 1046
  • Estate, Manoukian, settlement of the, in Turkey 1063
  • Estates:
    • consular jurisdiction over 750
    • consular jurisdiction over, of American citizens dying in Panama 937
    • jurisdiction of American consular courts in Turkey over 1063
    • of Danish subjects deceased in the United States, administration of 303
  • Estrada, Manuel, President of Guatemala, attempt on the life of 598
  • Europe, agreement between France and Spain for the maintenance of their territorial status quo in the Mediterranean and on the Atlantic coasts of, and Africa 434
  • Exchange of notes, agreement between United States and Great Britain for protection of patents in Morocco 871
  • Exclusion of foreign laborers from Japan 766
  • Expatriation:
    • acceptance of titles of nobility to be considered 958
    • text of law 3
  • Expulsion:
    • of Nelken Waldberg from Egypt 1076
    • regulations concerning the, of foreigners from Brazil 113
  • Extension of Japanese concession at Hankau, reservation of American rights 224
  • Extension of provisions of naturalization treaties between the United States and Germany to Alsace-Lorraine 511
  • Extradition:
    • decisions, notice of, in cases between the United States and Mexico 843
    • of Frederick Lodge Jacobs, an American citizen, to the Argentine Republic from France 411
    • persons merely charged with crime 1043
    • transit of criminals and fugitives from justice through United States territory in course of extradition proceedings 759
    • procedure 1070
    • proceedings, punishment for crime committed before, and not mentioned in. 517
    • treaties—
      • between Great Britain and Belgium, additional 84
      • convention, adopted at Central American Peace Conference 702
      • convention between the United States and Great Britain, supplementary 576
      • between the United States and Nicaragua 912
      • of Greece with France and Germany 585
  • Extraterritorial:
    • jurisdiction in Egypt 1076
    • rights, reservation of American, in extension of Japanese concession at Hankau 224
    • rights in Zanzibar, renunciation of 569


  • Famine in Russia 976
  • Far East, treaty between France and Japan relating to 754
  • Figeroa, General Fernando, election of, as President of Salvador 918
  • Final act of the Second Peace Conference at The Hague 1266
  • Financial affairs in the Dominican Republic 306
  • Financial conditions in Bolivia 85
  • Fisheries, Newfoundland 531
  • Fishery convention between Russia and Japan 784
  • Fishery rights in the Magdalena Islands, case of the Alert 533
  • Fleet, cruise of the Atlantic, to the Pacific coast 15
  • Flogging of American citizen by Haitian soldiers 742
  • Foreign laborers in Japan, exclusion of 766
  • Foreign missions in China, protection of 176
  • Foreign settlements in China and Manchuria 218
  • Foreigners:
    • acquisition of property in Morocco by 881
    • killed or injured while in the service of the United States Government, liability for 58
    • marriage of, in Japan 761
    • protection of, in Morocco 896
    • regulations concerning the expulsion of, from Brazil 113
    • rights of, in Morocco 879
  • France:
    • accidental killing of Lieut. Clarence England, U. S. Navy, by stray bullets from a French warship engaged in rifle practice 398
    • agreement between Great Britain, France, and Italy in regard to the importation of arms and ammunition into Abyssinia 430
    • agreement between Great Britain, Italy, and, respecting Abyssinia 579
    • agreement between Spain and, for the maintenance of their territorial status quo in the Mediterranean and on the Atlantic coasts of Europe and Africa 434
    • application to, of the administrative provisions of the commercial agreement between the United States and Germany 492
    • attempt against the life of the President of the French Republic 432
    • claim of Messrs. Laurent and Lambert v. The United States for losses sustained during the Spanish-American war 392
    • commercial and navigation treaty with Roumania 973
    • convention between Great Britain and, for the prevention of fraud in succession duties 432
    • denunciation by Brazil of treaty of friendship, navigation and commerce with 117
    • disaster to the French warship Jena 431
    • discrimination against American meat products 402
    • extradition of Frederick Lodge Jacobs, an American citizen, to the Argentine Republic from 411
    • extradition treaty with Greece 585
    • frontier agreement between Liberia and 830
    • international sanitary convention 434
    • treaty between Great Britain, Germany, Norway, Russia, and, respecting the independence and territorial integrity of Norway 926
    • treaty with Japan relating to the Far East 754
    • treaties with Siam 1003
  • Fraud, convention between France and Great Britain for the prevention of, in succession duties 432
  • Fraudulent naturalization, reports of 8
  • Freitus, Frank, military service, case of, in Portugal 958
  • French warship, accidental killing of Lieut. Clarence England, U. S. Navy, by a engaged in rifle practice 398
  • French warship, Jena, disaster to the 431
  • Friendship, commerce, and navigation treaty between Japan and Chile 120
  • Frontier agreement between France and Liberia 830
  • Fugitives merely charged with crime, detention of 1043
  • Fugitives, transit of, through United States territory in course of extradition proceedings, from one foreign country to another 759


  • Garcia, Geronimo, immigrant, decision denning interpretation of immigration laws of the United States relating to assisted immigration 72
  • Geneva convention (Red Cross) 1024
  • Geneva convention and naval war 1229
  • Germany:
    • application to other countries of the administrative provisions of the commercial agreement between the United States and 486
    • “champagne,” interpretation of the word as used in the commercial agreement between the United States and 508
    • citizenship of persons born in the United States of German parents and living in 516
    • commercial agreement between the United States and 477
    • diplomatic immunities of an ambassador’s household 527
    • extension of the provisions of the naturalization treaties between the United States and Germany to Alsace-Lorraine 511
    • extradition treaty with Greece 585
    • marriage of American citizens in Germany or on German territory 519
    • military service, case of George Ahl 526
    • military service, case of Henry Schultheis 514
    • punishment for crime committed before, and not mentioned in, extradition proceedings 517
    • treaty between Great Britain, France, Norway, Russia, and Germany respecting the independence and territorial integrity of Norway 926
  • Good offices United States and Mexico, conservation of peace in Central America 606, 636
  • Governmental and educational reforms in China 178
  • Great Britain:
    • agreement between France, Italy, and, respecting Abyssinia 579
    • agreement between France, Italy, and, in regard to the importation of arms and ammunition into Abyssinia 430
    • agreement between Spain and, for the preservation of their territorial status quo in the Mediterranean and on the Atlantic coasts of Europe and Africa 538
    • agreement with the United States for the protection of patents in Morocco 871
    • application to, of the administrative provisions of the commercial agreement between the United States and Germany 494
    • arrangement by an exchange of notes concerning the administration and lease of certain small islands on the North Bornean coast by the British North Borneo Company 542
    • commercial agreement between the United States and 577
    • convention between France and, for the prevention of fraud in succession duties 432
    • convention between Russia and, concerning the interests of their States on the continent of Asia 549, 980
    • earthquake in Jamaica 558
    • extradition treaty, additional, between Belgium and 84
    • extradition treaty, supplementary, between United States and 576
    • fishery rights in the Magdalena Islands, case of the Alert 533
    • Kaid Maclean, a British officer, held prisoner by Raisuli 876
    • marriage of British subjects with foreigners 538
    • Newfoundland fishery question 531
    • renunciation of extraterritorial rights in Zanzibar 569
    • requirements for the registration of American medical practitioners in the British possessions in the Far East 553
    • treaty between France, Germany, Norway, Russia, and, respecting the independence and territorial integrity of Norway 926
  • Greece:
    • Crete, conditions in 585
    • dentistry, requirements for the practice of 584
    • extradition treaties of, with France and Germany 585
    • protection of citizens or subjects of governments that are without diplomatic representatives in Greece 583
  • Guatemala:
    • attempt on the life of the President of 598
    • Central American Peace Conference, Washington 665
    • Central American peace protocol 644
    • convention between the United States and, for the reciprocal protection of patents 599
    • impressment of aliens into the military service of 589
    • protection of Chinese in 590
  • Guayaquil and Quito Railway Company, an American corporation, arbitration of the difficulty of the, with the Ecuadorean Government 385
  • Gustav V, accession to the throne of Sweden 1019


  • Hague, The, Second Peace Conference at 1099
  • Haiti:
    • enforcement of the Haitian tax law of 1876 728
    • ill treatment of David A. Backer by Haitian soldiers 742
  • Haitian tax law of 1876, enforcement of 728
  • Ham, deviled, rejection of shipment of, by the Argentine Republic 23
  • Hankow, reservation of American rights in the Japanese concession at 224
  • Hauge, Christian, minister of Norway to the United States, death of 925
  • Heirs, competency of consular courts alone to determine legal, of American citizen in Turkey 1063
  • Holland, see Netherlands.
  • Honduras:
    • Central American Peace Conference, Washington 665
    • Central American peace protocol 644
    • recognition of provisional government of, by United States and Mexico 601
  • Hospital ships, international convention for the exemption of, from the payment of all usual port dues and taxes 900
  • Hostilities, opening of, international convention 1201
[Page 1300]


  • Ica or Putumayo River, agreement between Brazil and Colombia relative to 108
  • Ill treatment, Backer, David A., by Haitian soldiers 742
  • Immigration:
    • assisted, interpretation of laws relative to 72
    • Brazil, regulations in. 95
    • Chinese, section 6 certificates, issuance and visé of 268
    • decrees relative to Chinese in Guatemala 596
    • inducements offered by agents of certain States 69
    • laws, application to persons merely charged with crime 1043
  • Immunities, diplomatic 1091
    • of an ambassador’s household 527
  • Importation of arms and ammunition:
    • into Abyssinia, agreement between Great Britain, France, and Italy in regard to the 430
    • into China, restrictions on 199
  • Impressment of aliens into the military service of Guatemala 589
  • Imprisonment. Kaid Maclean, a British officer, by brigands in Morocco 876
  • Increase of:
    • taxes in Cairo 1083
    • Turkish customs duties 1051
  • Indemnity:
    • for the accidental killing of Lieut. Clarence England, U. S. Navy, by a French war ship engaged in rifle practice 398
    • Lienchou, settlement of 211
    • payment of the Chinese, return by the United States of a portion of its allotment 174
    • payment of Spanish, under the treaty of 1834 1008
    • See also Morocco.
  • Industrial models and designs, declaration between Italy and Denmark for protection of 745
  • Inland taxation in China 226
  • Institutions in Turkey, equal treatment for American 1046
  • Insurrection, Cuban, provision for the settlement of claims growing out of 298
  • International:
    • commission for adjustment of damages growing out of disorders at Casablanca 889
    • commission for the investigation of opium traffic in the Far East 140
    • convention—
      • Central American Bureau 705
      • for the regulation of the traffic of spirits in Africa 79
    • diplomatic conferences—
      • Second Peace Conference at The Hague 1099
    • prize court 1253
    • rights of foreigners in Morocco 879
    • Sanitary Convention 434
    • Sanitary Convention, Third, Mexico City, December 2–7, 1907 840
    • See also Treaties.
    • trade, opening ports of Manchuria to 130
  • Interpretation of the word “champagne” as used in the commercial agreement between the United States and Germany 508
  • Investigation of affairs in the Kongo 791
  • Issuance and visé of section 6, Chinese certificates 268
  • Issuance of passports 13
  • Italy:
    • agreement between France, Great Britain, and, concerning Abyssinia 579
    • agreement between Great Britain, France, and, in regard to the importation of arms and ammunition into Abyssinia 430
    • application to, of the administrative provisions of the commercial agreement between the United States and Germany 501
    • commercial treaty with Roumania 973
    • commercial treaty with Servia 974
    • commercial and navigation treaty between Russia and 748
    • consular jurisdiction over estates 750
    • declaration between Denmark and, for protection of designs and industrial models 745
    • denunciation by Brazil of treaty relating to consuls 117
    • destruction of tobacco belonging to the Italian Government 745
[Page 1301]


  • Jacobs, Frederick Lodge, an American citizen, extradition of, to the Argentine Republic from France 411
  • Jamaica, earthquake in 558
  • Japan:
    • affairs in Korea 770
    • agreement between China and, concerning the establishment of a maritime customs office at Darien and inland waters steam navigation 133
    • agreement with China relative to railroads in Manchuria 776
    • agreement with Korea 773
    • convention between Russia and, relative to railways in Manchuria 780, 782, 783
    • exclusion of foreign laborers from 766
    • fishery convention with Russia 784
    • lumber convention with Korea. 770
    • marriage of foreigners in 761
    • railroads in Manchuria 776
    • transit through United States territory of criminals and fugitives from justice in course of extradition from one foreign country to another 759
    • treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation between Chile and 120
    • treaty with France relating to the Far East 754
    • treaty with Russia, guaranteeing the present territory of each, the integrity of China, and the principle of the “open door” in that Empire 765
  • Japanese, extension of concession at Hankow, reservation of American rights in 224
  • Jena, French warship, disaster to the 431
  • Judicial arbitration court, action taken at second peace conference 1277
  • Jurisdiction:
    • consular, over estates 750
    • over criminals in transit through United States territory in course of extradition proceedings 759
    • over offense of criminal libel committed by an American citizen in Egypt 1076


  • Killing, accidental, of Lieut. Clarence England, U. S. Navy, by stray bullets from a French warship engaged in rifle practice 398
  • Kongo:
    • Belgian colonial project 810
    • direct and personal taxes in the 801
    • investigation of affairs in the 791
    • report of the American consul-general at Boma on conditions in 813
    • report of the American vice-consul-general at Boma on conditions in 823
    • Senate resolution in regard to 806
    • treaty with Belgium 826
  • Korea:
    • affairs in 770
    • agreement with Japan 773
    • lumber convention with Japan 770


  • Labaree, Rev. Benjamin W., murder of, in Persia 941
  • Labels, recognition of meat-inspection, in Mexico 833
  • Laborers, exclusion of foreign, from Japan 766
  • Lambert and Laurent, claim of, v. The United States, for losses sustained during the Spanish-American war 392
  • Laurent and Lambert, claim of, v. The United States, for losses sustained during the Spanish-American war 392
  • Lautaro, Chilean steamer, destroyed while in the service of the Department of Panama, claim of, v. Colombia 293
  • Law abolishing death penalty in Uruguay 1085
  • Laws and customs of war on land, international convention 1204
  • Letters rogatory, convention between the Argentine Republic and Uruguay concerning 47
  • Liability for the death or injury of foreigners while in the service of the United States Government 58
  • Liability of a government for the individual acts of its soldiers 392
  • Libel, criminal, jurisdiction over offense of, committed by American citizen in Egypt 1076
  • Liberia:
    • frontier agreement between France and 830
    • presidential election in 831
  • Lienchou indemnity, settlement of 211
  • Liquors, spirituous, international convention for the regulation of traffic in, in Africa 79
  • Lorraine, Germany, extension of the provisions of the naturalization treaties between the United States and Germany to 511
  • Louisiana, emigration agents of, in Europe 69
  • Lubricating oils, American, alleged discrimination against, in Belgium 77
  • Lumber convention between Japan and Korea 770


  • Maclean, Kaid, a British officer, held prisoner by Raisuli 876
  • Magdalena Bay, agreement between the United States and Mexico relative to the stationing of coaling vessels in 845
  • Magdalena Islands, fishery rights in the, case of the Alert 533
  • Mail addressed to American missionaries, opening of, by Turkish authorities 1067
  • Manchuria:
    • Antung, opening of, to international trade 136, 221
    • convention between Japan and Russia relative to railways in 780, 782, 783
    • customs question, settlement of the northern Manchurian 138
    • Dalny, opening of, to international trade 136
    • Dairen, agreement relative to the establishment of a maritime customs office at 133, 136
    • foreign settlements in 218
    • imperial edict reorganizing 178
    • Mukden, opening of, to international trade 221
    • open-door policy in, establishment of customs-houses and opening of ports to international trade 130
    • opening of additional ports 137
    • railroads in 776, 780, 782, 783
    • Russo-Chinese agreement relative to customs-houses in northern 138
  • Manoukian estate in Turkey, settlement of 1063
  • Marriage:
    • of American citizens in Germany or on German territory 519
    • of British subjects with foreigners 538
    • of foreigners in Japan 761
  • Meat-inspection labels, recognition of, in Mexico 833
  • Meat products, American, discrimination against, in France 402
  • Meats, admission of American, into Austria 62
  • Medical practitioners, requirements for the registration of, in the British possessions in the Far East 553
  • Medicines, patent, removal of restrictions on American, in Turkey 1069
  • Mediterranean, agreement between France and Spain for the maintenance of their territorial status quo in, and on the Atlantic coasts of Europe and Africa 434
  • Mequinez, rental of house in Moorish quarter of, by missionaries 881
  • Merchant ships:
    • international convention relative to conversion into war ships 1160, 1250
    • international convention relative to status of enemy 1158, 1247
  • Messages of the Presidents of—
  • Mexico:
    • convention between the United States and, for the elimination of bancos in the Rio Grande from the effects of Article II of the treaty of November 12, 1884 837
    • depredations of Yaqui Indians 846
    • extradition cases between the United States and, notice of decisions in 843
    • good offices of United States and, for conservation of peace in Central America 606, 636
    • message of the President of 842
    • passports issued under assumed names 835
    • reciprocal agreement relative to stationing of coaling vessels in waters of the United States and. 845
    • recognition of provisional government of Honduras by United States and 601
    • recognition of United States meat-inspection labels 833
    • smuggling of arms and ammunition for use of Yaqui Indians 846
    • third international sanitary convention, Mexico City, December 2-7, 1907 840
    • visit of the Secretary of State of the United States to 852
  • Military charges, limitation of, action taken at second peace conference 1175, 1276
  • Military regulations of Portugal 964
  • Military service:
    • case of George Ahl, in Germany 526
    • case of Freitus, Frank, in Portugal 958
    • case of Henry Schultheis in Germany 514
    • case of Peter Szatkowski in Austria. 50
    • impressment of aliens into, of Guatemala 589
  • Mines, submarine contact, international convention relative to 1222
  • Missions:
    • In China, stamping of deeds for property purchased for 206
    • protection of foreign, in China 176
  • Missionaries:
    • acquisition of property in Morocco and rental of a house in the Moorish quarter of Mequinez 881
    • opening by Turkish authorities of mail addressed to American 1067
  • Missionary, stamping of deeds for property purchased for, purposes in China 206
  • Modus vivendi:
    • concerning the boundary between Colombia and Peru, denunciation of 292
    • Newfoundland fishery question 531
  • Morocco:
    • acquisition of property for American missionaries in, and rental of a house in the Moorish quarter of Mequinez 881
    • indemnity paid to Isaac L. Cohen by 883
    • indemnity paid to Solomon Benatuil by 884
    • indemnity paid to Sid Thamy Slawe by 885
    • international commission for the adjustment of damages growing out of Casablanca disorders 889
    • Kaid Maclean, a British officer, held prisoner by Raisuli 876
    • mortgages on real estate in, procedure as to foreclosure of 889
    • political affairs in 889
    • proclamation of Mouley Hand as Sultan 894
    • protection of foreigners in 896
    • protection of patents in 871
    • rights of foreigners in 879
  • Mortgages on real estate in Morocco, procedure as to foreclosure of 889
  • Mouley Hand proclaimed as Sultan of Morocco 894
  • Mukden, opening of, to international trade 221
  • Murder of Rev. Benjamin W. Labaree in Persia 941


  • Names, assumed, passports issued under 835
  • Naturalization, reports of fraudulent 8
  • Naturalization treaties between the United States and Germany, extension of the provisions of to Alsace-Lorraine 511
  • Naval forces, bombardment by, international convention relative to 1225
  • Naval war and the Geneva convention 1229
  • Naval war, international convention relative to neutral powers in 1239
  • Naval war, right of capture in, international convention 1236
  • Navigation, agreement between Colombia and Brazil 108
  • Navigation and boundary treaty between Colombia and Brazil 292
  • Navigation and commerce treaty between France and Roumania 973
  • Navigation, commerce, and friendship treaty between Japan and Chile 120
  • Navigation treaty between Italy and Russia 748
  • Netherlands:
    • denunciation by Brazil of treaty relating to consuls 117
    • international convention for the exemption of hospital ships from the payment of all usual port dues and taxes 900
    • peace conference, second at The Hague 1099
    • speech from the throne at the opening of the session of the States-General 909
  • Neutral powers:
    • in naval war, international convention 1239
    • international convention relative to rights and duties of 1216
  • Newfoundland fishery question, modus vivendi of 1907 531
  • Nicaragua:
    • Central American peace conference, Washington 665
    • Central American peace protocol 644
    • citizenship of persons born of foreign parents in 918
    • extradition treaty with the United States 912
    • recognition of Simon Planas Suarez, a native Venezuelan, as Nicaraguan minister to Venezuela 1091
    • searching of the Pacific mail steamer San Juan by Nicaraguan authorities 922
    • treaty of peace with Salvador (Amapala, 1907) 633
  • North Borneo coast, arrangement between the United States and Great Britain for the administration and lease of certain small islands on the, by the British North Borneo Company 542
  • Notes, exchange of, agreement between United States and Great Britain for protection of patents in Morocco 871
  • Norway:
    • death of the minister of Norway to the United States 925
    • treaty between Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and Norway respecting the independence and territorial integrity of Norway 926


  • Oils, lubricating, American, alleged discrimination against in Belgium 77
  • Open door:
    • policy in Manchuria 130
    • treaty between Russia and Japan relative to 765
  • Opening:
    • by Turkish authorities of mail addressed to American missionaries 1067
    • of hostilities, international convention 1201
    • of the Port of Pampatar 1097
  • Oscar II, King of Sweden, death of 1019
  • Opium:
    • international commission for the investigation of traffic in the Far East 140
    • restrictions in China 140


  • Pampatar, opening of the port of 1097
  • Panama:
    • claim of the Chilean steamer Lautaro, destroyed while in the service of the department of Panama, v. Colombia 293
    • consular jurisdiction over estates of American citizens dying in 937
    • protection of Chinese interests in 929
    • rules regarding residence of Chinese, Syrians, and Turks in 933
    • separation of from Colombia, recognition of by Colombia 293
  • Paraguay:
    • arrangement for the settlement of the boundary dispute between Bolivia and 85
  • Parliament:
    • Austrian, imperial speech to the 60
    • sessions of the Russian 982
  • Passage money, payment of, as an inducement to immigration 69
  • Passports:
    • consideration of personal character and conduct in issuing 1082
    • issued under assumed names 835
    • regulations for the issuance of 13
  • Patents:
    • convention between United States and Guatemala for reciprocal protection 599
    • protection of in Morocco 871
  • Payment of Spanish indemnity under treaty of 1834 1008
  • Peace conference, Central American, report of 665
  • Peace in Central America, good offices of United States and Mexico, for conservation of 606, 636
  • Peace protocol, Central American 644
  • Peace, treaty of, between Nicaragua and Salvador (Amapala, 1907) 633
  • Pedagogical institute, Central American, convention for the establishment of 707
  • Persia:
    • convention between Great Britain and Russia concerning 550
    • death of the Shah 948
    • heir presumptive to the throne 950
    • murder of Rev. Benjamin W. Labaree 941
  • Personal character and conduct considered in the issuing of passports 1082
  • Peru:
    • denunciation of the modus vivendi concerning the boundary between Colombia and 292
    • message of the President to the Peruvian Congress 951
  • Political affairs:
    • in the Dominican Republic 360
    • Dominican Republic, constituent convention of 1907 and constitution promulgated on September 9, 1907 361
    • in Morocco 889
    • in Russia 982
    • in Sweden 1021
  • Port of Pampatar, opening of 1097
  • Porto Ricans, registration of 1096
  • Portugal:
    • an additional and amendatory agreement to the commercial agreement of May 22, 1899, between the United States and 954
    • denunciation by Brazil of treaty relating to consuls 117
    • effect of acceptance of titles of nobility on American citizenship 957
    • military regulations 964
    • military service case of Frank Freitas 958
  • Preferential tariff concessions in Brazil in favor of American products 90
  • President of:
    • Argentine Republic, message of 20
    • Chile, message of 126
    • Colombia, message of 282
    • Ecuador, election of Gen. Eloy Alfaro as 383
    • France, attempt against the life of 432
    • Guatemala, attempt against the life of 598
    • Liberia, election of 831
    • Mexico, message of 842
    • Peru, message of 951
    • Salvador, election of 918
    • United States—
      • arbiter named by, in the difficulty between the Guayaquil and Quito Railway Company, an American corporation, and the Ecuadorean Government 385
      • message VII
      • proclamation, commercial agreement with Germany 477
      • proclamation, commercial agreement with Great Britain 577
      • proclamation convention between the United States and the Dominican Republic, relative to financial affairs in the Dominican Republic 307
      • proclamation, International sanitary convention 434
      • proclamation, supplementary extradition convention with Great Britain 576
    • Uruguay—
    • Venezuela, message of 1093
  • Prize Court, International 1164, 1253
  • Proclamations by the President:
    • commercial agreement with Germany 477
    • commercial agreement with Great Britain 577
    • convention between the United States and the Dominican Republic relative to financial affairs in the Dominican Republic 307
    • copyright with Austria 62
    • International Sanitary Convention 434
    • supplementary extradition convention with Great Britain 576
  • Products, American, preferential tariff concessions in Brazil in favor of 90
  • Professions, dentistry, requirements for practice of, in Greece 584
  • Projectiles, international convention relative to discharging of, from balloons 1246
  • Property:
    • in Morocco, acquisition of, by missionaries 881
    • missionary, in China, stamping of deeds for 206
    • rights, convention between Belgium and Sweden relative to 76
  • Protection of:
    • American citizens against acts of brigandage in Turkey 1071
    • Chinese in Guatemala 590
    • Chinese interests in Panama 929
    • citizens or subjects of governments that are without diplomatic representatives in Greece 583
    • designs and industrial models, declaration between Italy and Denmark 745
    • foreigners in Morocco. 896
    • missions, foreign, in China 176
    • patents in Morocco 871
    • trade-marks and copyrights in China, reciprocal 248
    • trade-marks in China, reciprocal agreement between the United States and Denmark 266
  • Protest against enforcement of Haitian tax law of 1876 728
  • Protocol, Central American peace 644
  • Provisional government of Honduras, recognition of, by United States and Mexico 601
  • Punishment for crime committed before, and not mentioned in, extradition proceedings 517
  • Putumayo or Ica River, agreement between Brazil and Colombia relative to 108


  • Race distinctions, edict abolishing in China 197
  • Railroads in Manchuria 776, 780, 782, 783
  • Railway concession law of the Argentine Republic 42
  • Railways through Central America, notes on 711
  • Raisuli, imprisonment of Kaid Maclean, a British officer, by 876
  • Ratification of Dominican-American convention 316
  • Real estate in Morocco, acquisition of, by missionaries in Morocco 881
  • Reciprocal:
    • agreement between the United States and Mexico relative to the stationing of coaling vessels 845
    • protection of trade-marks and copyrights in China 248
    • protection of trade-marks in China, agreement between the United States and Denmark 266
  • Recognition of:
    • Mr. Simon Planas Suarez, a native Venezuelan, as Nicaraguan minister to Venezuela 1091
    • provisional government of Honduras by United States and Mexico 601
    • United States meat-inspection labels in Mexico 833
  • Recommendations of the second peace conference at The Hague., 1176, 1276
  • Red Cross convention 1024
  • Reforms, governmental and educational, in China 178
  • Registration of:
    • American citizens, regulations for the 6
    • child of diplomatic officer born abroad 38
    • medical practitioners in the British possessions in the Far East, requirements for the 553
    • Porto Ricans 1096
    • women who desire to resume or retain American citizenship 10
  • Regulations:
    • amendment of Argentine customs 40
    • collisions at sea, prevention of 1
    • commercial travelers in Denmark 302
    • concerning the expulsion of foreigners from Brazil 113
    • customs, in China 226
    • Dominican customs receivership, for the government of 317
    • immigration, in Brazil 95
    • importation of arms and ammunition into China 200
    • passports, issuance of 13
    • reorganization of the provincial governments of China 184
    • restricting the importation of arms and ammunition into China 199
    • Tientsin, municipal self-government of 189
    • traffic of spirits in Africa 79
  • Rejection of shipment of deviled ham by the Argentine Republic 23
  • Removal of restrictions on American patent medicines imported into Turkey 1069
  • Renunciation of extraterritorial rights in Zanzibar 569
  • Report of the Central American Peace Conference, Washington, 1907 665
  • Report, final, of the transactions of the Dominican customs receivership 322
  • Requirements for:
    • practice of dentistry in Greece 584
    • registration of American medical practitioners in the British possessions in the Far East 553
  • Reservation of American rights in the extension of the Japanese concession at Hankau 224
  • Restrictions:
    • on American meats in Austria 62
    • on American patent medicines in Turkey, removal of 1069
    • on importation of arms and ammunition into China 199
    • on importation of typewriting machines into Turkey 1073
    • of opium traffic in China 140
  • Review of the transactions of the customs receivership of Santo Domingo 331
  • Revolutionary disturbances in the Argentine Republic 16
  • Right of capture in naval war, international convention 1236
  • Rights and duties of neutral powers, international convention 1157, 1216
  • Rights of foreigners in Morocco 879
  • Rights, reservation of American, in the extension of the Japanese concession at Hankau 224
  • Rio Grande, elimination of bancos in the 837
  • Rogatory letters. See Letters, rogatory.
  • Root, Elihu, Secretary of State, visit to Mexico 852
  • Roumania:
    • commercial and navigation treaty with France 973
    • commercial treaty with Belgium 974
    • commercial treaty with Italy 973
  • Russia:
    • citizenship of Clemens Belling 975
    • commercial and navigation treaty between Italy and 748
    • convention between Great Britain and, concerning the interests of their States on the continent of Asia 549, 980
    • convention between Japan and, relative to railways in Manchuria 780, 782, 783
    • famine in 976
    • fishery convention with Japan 784
    • Russo-Chinese agreement relative to the establishment of customs houses in northern Manchuria 138
    • sessions of the Douma; election laws; general affairs in Russia 982
    • treaty between Great Britain, France, Germany, Norway, and Russia respecting the independence and territorial integrity of Norway 926
    • treaty with Japan, guaranteeing the present territory of each, the integrity of China, and the principle of the “open door” in that Empire 765
    • treaty between Japan and, guaranteeing the present territory of each, the integrity of China, and the principle of the “open door” in that Empire 982
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  • Salvador:
    • Central American Peace Conference, Washington 665
    • Central American peace protocol 644
    • election of Gen. Fernando Figeroa as President of 918
    • treaty of peace with Nicaragua (Amapala, 1907) 633
  • Sanitary:
    • conditions in Cairo, improvement in 1083
    • convention—
      • international 434
      • third international, Mexico City, December 2–7, 1907 840
  • Sanitation of Cuban cities 301
  • San Juan, Pacific Mail steamer, searching of by Nicaraguan authorities 922
  • Schultheis, Henry, military service case in Germany 514
  • Sea, collisions at, regulations for preventing 1
  • Searching of the Pacific Mail steamer San Juan by Nicaraguan authorities 922
  • Second Peace Conference at The Hague 1099
    • visit of Mr. De Martens to the capitals of Europe, and the inclusion of the subject of disarmament in the programme for discussion at 1099
    • acceptance of programme and date of meeting 1107
    • question of adherence of nonsignatory States to the first convention of 1899 under article 60 to enable them to participate in the second conference 1110
    • notifications of adherence by certain American States 1125
    • instruction to American delegates 1128
    • annex “A” and “B” to instructions of 1899 1139, 1143
    • report of the American delegation 1144
    • conventions—
      • settlement of international disputes 1149, 1181
      • recovery of contract debts 1154, 1199
      • opening of hostilities 1154, 1201
      • laws and customs of war on land 1155, 1204
      • rights and duties of neutral powers. 1157, 1216
      • submarine contact mines, 1161, 1222
      • bombardment by naval forces. 1162, 1225
      • naval war and the Geneva convention 1163, 1229
      • right of capture in naval war 1163, 1236
      • international prize court 1164, 1253
      • neutral powers in naval war 1170, 1239
      • status of enemy merchant ships 1158, 1247
      • conversion of merchant ships into war ships. 1160, 1250
      • discharging projectiles from balloons 1174, 1246
      • final act 1266
  • Section 6, Chinese certificates, issuance and visé of 268
  • Senate resolution in regard to the Kongo 806
  • Servia, commercial treaty with Italy 974
  • Settlement of:
    • international disputes 1181
    • the Lienchou indemnity 211
    • Manoukian estate in Turkey 1063
  • Settlements, foreign, in China and Manchuria 218
  • Shah of Persia, death of 948
  • Siam, treaties with France 1003
  • Slawe, Sid Thamy, indemnity paid to, by Morrocco 885
  • Smuggling of arms for use of Yaqui Indians in Mexico 846
  • Soldiers, liability of a government for the individual acts of 392
  • South Carolina, emigration agents of, in Europe 69
  • Spain:
    • agreement with France and Great Britain for the preservation of their territorial status quo in the Mediterranean and on the Atlantic coasts of Europe and Africa 434, 538, 1018
    • arbitration treaty with Switzerland 1014
    • decorations conferred upon American citizens prior to their receiving appointment in diplomatic service 1016
    • denunciation by Brazil of treaty relating to consuls 117
    • payment of Spanish indemnity under treaty of 1834 1008
    • status of child born of foreign parents and adopted by an American citizen 1015
  • Spanish-American war, claims of Messrs. Laurent and Lambert v. The United States for losses sustained during the 392
  • Spanish inscriptions of 1834, payment of 1008
  • Speech from the throne at opening of session of Netherlands States-General 909
  • Speech, imperial, to the Austrian Parliament 60
  • Spirits, international convention for the regulation of the traffic of, in Africa 79
  • Stamping of deeds for property purchased for missionary purposes in China 206
  • Status of:
    • child born of foreign parents and adopted by an American citizen 1015
    • enemy merchant ships, international convention. 1158, 1247
  • Suarez, Simon Planas, a native Venezuelan, recognition of, as Nicaraguan minister to Venezuela 1091
  • Submarine contact mines, international convention relative to 1222
  • Succession duties, convention between France and Great Britain for the prevention of fraud in 432
  • Suffrage, universal, in Austria 56
  • Sugar Convention, Brussels, of March, 1902, additional act to 68
  • Sultan of Morocco, proclamation of Mouley Hand as. 894
  • Sweden:
    • convention between Belgium and, relative to property rights 76
    • death of King Oscar II of Sweden and accession to the throne of King Gustav V 1019
    • political conditions in 1021
  • Switzerland:
    • application to, of the administrative provisions of the commercial agreement between the United States and Germany. 502
    • arbitration treaty with Spain 1014
    • convention for the amelioration of the condition of the wounded of the armies in the field 1024
    • deportation of persons merely charged with crime 1043
  • Syrians, rules regarding residence of in Panama 933
  • Szatkowski, Peter, military service of in Austria 50


  • Tariff, preferential, in Brazil, in favor of American products 90
  • Tax, enforcement of the Haitian law of 1876 728
  • Taxation, inland, in China 226
  • Taxes, direct and personal in the Kongo 801
  • Taxes, increase of in Cairo 1083
  • Territorial status quo, agreement between France and Spain for the maintenance of their, in the Mediterranean and on the Atlantic coasts of Europe and Africa 434
  • Theodore, Nicholas and Theodore S., citizenship of 1066
  • Thibet, convention between Great Britain and Russia concerning 552
  • Tientsin, regulations for the municipal self-government of 189
  • Titles of nobility, effect of acceptance of, on American citizenship 957
  • Tobacco, destruction of, belonging to Italian Government 745
  • Trade-mark law of the Dominican Republic 379
  • Trade-marks:
    • in China, reciprocal agreement between Denmark and the United States 266
    • reciprocal protection of, in China 248
  • Transit through United States territory of criminals and fugitives from justice in course of extradition from one foreign country to another 759
  • Travelers, commercial, in Denmark, regulations concerning 302
  • Treaties:
    • agreements—
      • between Brazil and Colombia relative to boundaries, navigation and commerce 108
      • China and Japan concerning the establishment of a maritime customs office at Darien and inland waters steam navigation 133
      • China and Russia, relating to the establishment of customs houses in northern Manchuria 138
      • France, Great Britain, and Italy, concerning Abyssinia 579
      • France and Liberia frontier 830
      • France and Spain, for the maintenance of their territorial status quo in the Mediterranean and on the Atlantic coasts of Europe and Africa 434
      • Great Britain, France, and Italy, in regard to the importation of arms and ammunition into Abyssinia 430
      • Japan and China, relative to railroads in Manchuria 776
      • Japan and Korea 773
      • United States and Austria, relating to copyright 62
      • United States and Denmark, for the reciprocal protection of trademarks in China 266
      • United States and Germany, commercial 477, 486
        • applied to—
          • Austria-Hungary 486
          • France 492
          • Great Britain 494
          • Italy 501
          • Switzerland 502
      • United States and Great Britain, for protection of patents in Morocco, effected by exchange of notes 871
      • United States and Mexico, for the stationing of coaling vessels 845
    • arbitration, between Spain and Switzerland 1014
    • arrangements—
      • between Bolivia and Paraguay, settlement of boundary dispute 85
      • China, reciprocal protection of trade-marks and copyrights in 248
      • United States and Great Britain, concerning the administration and lease of certain small islands on the North Borneo coast by the British North Borneo Company 542
    • Belgium and the Kongo 826
    • boundary and navigation: between Colombia and Brazil 292
    • commercial—
      • Belgium and Roumania 974
      • Bulgaria and Turkey 119
      • Italy and Russia 748
      • Italy and Servia 974
      • Japan and Chile 120
      • Roumania and France 973
      • Roumania and Italy 973
      • United States and Great Britain 577
      • United States and Portugal, additional and amendatory agreement to the agreement of May 22, 1899. 954
    • conventions—
      • between Argentine Republic and Uruguay, concerning letters rogatory 47
      • Belgium and Sweden relative to property rights 76
      • France and Great Britain for the prevention of fraud in succession duties 432
      • Great Britain and Russia concerning the interests of their States on the continent of Asia 549, 980
      • Japan and Korea, lumber 770
      • Japan and Russia, fishery 784
      • Japan and Russia, relative to railways in Manchuria 780, 782, 783
      • United States and the Dominican Republic relative to financial affairs in the Dominican Republic 307
      • United States and Guatemala, reciprocal protection of patents 599
      • United States and Mexico for the elimination of the bancos in the Rio Grande from the effects of Article II of the treaty of November 12, 1884 837
      • international—
        • amelioration of the condition of the wounded of the armies in the field (Red Cross). 1024
        • exemption of hospital ships from the payment of all usual port dues and taxes 900
        • regulation of the traffic of spirits in Africa 79
        • sanitary 434
        • sanitary, third, Mexico City, December 2–7, 1907 840
        • sugar, Brussels, of March, 1902, additional act to 68
        • The Hague, 1907, settlement of international disputes 1149, 1181
        • recovery of contract debts 1154, 1199
        • opening of hostilities 1154, 1201
        • laws and customs of war on land 1155, 1204
        • rights and duties of neutral powers. 1157, 1216
        • submarine contact mines 1161, 1222
        • bombardment by naval forces 1162, 1225
        • naval war and the Geneva convention 1163, 1229
        • right of capture in naval war 1163, 1236
        • neutral powers in naval war 1170, 1239
        • discharging projectiles from balloons 1174, 1246
        • status of enemy merchant ships 1158, 1247
        • conversion of merchant ships into war ships 1160, 1250
        • international prize court 1164, 1253
      • Central American Peace Conference, peace and amity 692
        • protocol 644
          • Central American court of justice 697
          • extradition 702
          • future Central American conferences 708
          • Central American Pedagogical Institute 707
      • communications 709
    • denunciation of, between Brazil and certain other powers 117
    • denunciation of modus vivendi concerning the boundary between Colombia and Peru 292
    • extradition—
      • between Great Britain and Belgium, additional 84
      • Greece and France and Germany 585
      • United States and Great Britain, supplementary 576
      • United States and Nicaragua 912
    • Japan and France relating to the Far East 754
    • Japan and Russia, guaranteeing the present territory of each, the integrity of China, and the principle of the “open door” in the Empire 765
    • navigation, between Italy and Russia 748
    • Norway, treaty between Great Britain, France, Germany, Norway, and Russia respecting the independence and territorial integrity of 926
    • peace, between Nicaragua and Salvador (Amapala, 1907) 633
    • Siam and France 1003
  • Turkey:
    • citizenship of Nicholas and Theodore S. Theodore 1066
    • commercial arrangement between Bulgaria and. 119
    • equal treatment for American institutions 1046
    • extradition procedure 1070
    • increase of Turkish customs duties 1051
    • list of American religious, educational, and charitable institutions in 1059
    • opening by Turkish authorities of mail addressed to American missionaries 1067
    • protection of American citizens against acts of brigandage 1071
    • recognition of competency of consular courts alone to determine legal heirs of American citizen 1063
    • removal of restrictions on American patent medicines imported into 1069
    • restrictions on the importation of typewriting machines 1073
    • settlement of the Manoukian estate 1063
  • Turkish customs duties, increase of 1051
  • Turks, rules regarding residence in Panama 933
  • Typewriting machines, restrictions on importation of, into Turkey 1073


  • United States:
    • acquisition of property in Morocco by foreigners 881
    • administration of estates of Danish subjects deceased in the 303
    • Africa, convention for regulating spirituous liquors in 79
    • agreement with Great Britain for the protection of patents in Morocco 871
    • arbiter named by the President of, in the difficulty between the Guayaquil and Quito Railway Company, an American corporation, and the Ecua-dorean Government 385
    • arrangement with Great Britain concerning the administration and lease of certain small islands on the North Bornean coast by the British North Borneo Company 542
    • Chinese indemnity, payment of, return of portion of allotment of the 174
    • Chinese, section 6 certificates, issuance and visé of 268
    • citizenship 3
      • of children of citizens of, born abroad 9
      • of children born of foreign parents in Chile 124
      • of persons born in, of German parents and living in Germany 516
      • of persons born of foreign parents in Nicaragua 918
    • claim of Laurent and Lambert v., for losses sustained during the Spanish-American war. 392
    • commercial agreement—
      • with Germany 477
      • with Great Britain 577
      • of May 22, 1899, with Portugal, an additional and amendatory agreement to the 954
    • competency of consular courts in Turkey alone to determine legal heirs of American citizen 1063
    • consular convention of June 11, 1870, between Austria-Hungary and, observance of Article XVI 52
    • consular jurisdiction over estates of American citizens abroad 750
    • consular jurisdiction over estates of citizens of, dying in Panama 937
    • convention—
      • between the Dominican Republic and the, relative to financial affairs in the Dominican Republic 307
      • between Guatamala and, for reciprocal protection of patents 599
      • between Mexico and, for the elimination of the bancos in the Rio Grande from the effects of Article II of the treaty of November 12, 1884 837
    • copyright agreement between Austria and 62
    • copyrights, reciprocal protection of, in China 248
    • cruise of the Atlantic Fleet to the Pacific coast 15
    • death of the minister of Norway to 925
    • destruction of tobacco in, belonging to Italian Government 745
    • diplomatic immunities of an ambassador’s household 527
    • discrimination against products of, by Belgium. 77
    • discrimination against meat products from, in France 402
    • equal treatment of American institutions in Turkey 1046
    • expatriation law 3
    • expulsion of foreigners from Brazil 113
    • extension of the provisions of the naturalization treaties between Germany and the, to Alsace-Lorraine 511
    • extradition—
      • cases between Mexico and, notice of decisions in 843
      • of an American citizen to the Argentine Republic from France 411
      • transit of criminals and fugitives from justice through territory of, in course of, from one foreign country to another 759
      • treaty—
        • with Great Britain, supplementary 576
        • with Nicaragua 912
    • fraudulent naturalization 8
    • good offices of Mexico and, for conservation of peace in Central America 606, 636
    • ill treatment of American citizen by Haitian soldiers 742
    • immigration into, induced by certain States 69
    • impressment of citizens of, into military service of Guatemala 589
    • liability for the individual acts of its soldiers 392
    • liability for the injury or death of foreigners while in the service of 58
    • Lienchou indemnity, settlement of 211
    • marriage of citizens of, with British subjects 538
    • marriage of citizens of, in Germany or on German territory 519
    • marriage of citizens of, in Japan 761
    • meats, admission of, into Austria 62
    • message of President of VII
    • opium traffic, international commission for the investigation of, in the Far East 140
    • passports issued under assumed names 835
    • passports, regulations for issuance of 13
    • preferential tariff concessions in Brazil in favor of products of 90
    • protection of Chinese interests in Panama 929
    • protest against enforcement of Haitian tax law of 1876 728
    • reciprocal agreement for the protection of trade-marks in China, between Denmark and 266
    • reciprocal agreement relative to the stationing of coaling vessels in the waters of Mexico and the 845
    • recognition—
      • of meat-inspection labels in Mexico 833
      • of provisional government of Honduras by Mexico and 601
    • registration of—
      • citizens of 6
      • child of diplomatic officer of, born abroad 38
      • women who desire to resume or retain citizenship of 10
    • rejection of shipment of deviled ham by Argentine Republic 23
    • renunciation of extraterritorial rights in Zanzibar 569
    • reservation of extraterritorial rights in the extension of the Japanese concession at Hankau 224
    • rights of citizens in Morocco 879
    • searching of the Pacific Mail steamer San Juan by Nicaraguan authorities 922
    • trade-marks, reciprocal protection of, in China 266
    • titles of nobility, effect of acceptance on citizenship 957
    • visit of the Secretary of State of, to Mexico 852
  • Uruguay:
    • convention between Argentine Republic and, concerning letters rogatory 47
    • election of Dr. Claudio Williman as President of 1088
    • law abolishing the death penalty in 1085
    • message of the President 1086


  • Venezuela:
    • message of the President and report of the minister for foreign affairs 1093
    • opening of the port of Pampatar 1097
    • recognition of Mr. Simon Planas Suarez, a native Venezuelan, as Nicaraguan minister to Venezuela 1091
    • registration of Porto Ricans 1096
  • Virginia, emigration agents of, in Europe 69
  • Visa, and issuance, of section 6, Chinese certificates 268
  • Visit of the Secretary of State of the United States to Mexico 852


  • Waldberg, Nelken, expulsion from Egypt 1076
  • War, international convention relative to laws and customs of, on land 1155, 1204
  • War, naval, and the Geneva Covention 1163, 1229
  • War, neutral powers in naval, international convention 1170, 1239
  • War, right of capture in naval, international convention 1163, 1236
  • War ships, international convention relative to conversion of merchant ships into 1160, 1250
  • Washington, treaty of (Central American peace) 644
  • Williman, Dr. Claudio, election of, as President of Uruguay 1088
  • Women, registration of, who desire to resume or retain American citizenship 10


  • Yaqui Indians in Mexico, depredations of 846


  • Zanzibar, renunciation of extraterritorial rights in 569