Minister Hicks to the Secretary of State.

No. 125.]

Sir: I beg to inclose herewith translation of a law passed by the Chilean Congress and published in the Diario Oficial on the 15th of February, 1907.

According to this law, the Government of Chile accepts the conclusions of the First Conference of The Hague, with the proviso [understanding] that article 17 of the convention relating to the pacific adjustment of international conflicts does not affect questions pending settlement previous to the date of the international agreement.

I am, etc.,

John Hicks.

Act of Chilean Congress.

congress of the hague.—international conflicts.

The minister for foreign relations has ordered the publication of the following project as a law of the Republic:

Sole article.—The President of the Republic is authorized to give his adhesion, in the name of the Government of Chile, to the conventions subscribed by the plenipotentiaries of the powers which assembled at the First Conference of the Peace, held at The Hague, relative to the pacific adjustment of international conflicts; to the laws and usages of terrestrial warfare; and to the adaptation of the principles of the Geneva Convention of the 22d of August, 1864.

Congress, while granting this authority, understands that the adhesion of the Government of Chile to article 17 of the convention relative to the pacific adjustment of international conflicts does not apply to litigation or questions pending previous to the celebration of the convention.