The Minister of Colombia to the Secretary of State.

No. 102.]

Mr. Secretary: I have the honor to refer to your excellency’s very considerate note of the 5th instant, by which I am made acquainted with the present condition of things in regard to the contemplated meeting of the Second Peace Conference at The Hague and the means suggested by the Governments of Russia and of the United States to overcome the difficulties that might arise from nonadhesion to the conventions agreed upon at the First Conference on the part of the nations that were not represented there and are about to take part in the next conference.

The Government of Colombia, responding to the wishes and views set forth in the note, to which your excellency adverts, sent out by the Government of Russia on the 12th of April, 1906, has accepted the extended invitation to take part in the Second Conference and adhered to the second and third conventions agreed upon at the First Conference.

I have sent to my Government a copy of your excellency’s note herein referred to and I entertain no doubt that the delegate of Colombia to the forthcoming conference shall be vested with the necessary powers to adhere, in the form proposed by the Government of Russia, to the arbitration treaty signed at the First Conference.

I have the honor to renew to your excellency the assurances of high consideration and distinguished regard, etc.

Enrique Cortes.