Ambassador Tower to the Secretary of State.


(Mr. Towner says that he has been able to ascertain that Germany accepts the programme of Russia for the conference, but is strongly disinclined to the discussion of any subjects not contained in that programme, and is opposed to the question of disarmament. Mr. Tower adds that the German secretary of state for foreign affairs declared yesterday to him in a conversation at the foreign office that Germany finds material enough in the Russian programme as already announced, and does not think it necessary to add any new subjects to it for discussion at The Hague. He says that Germany favors last of May or 1st of June as date of meeting and agrees to the same form of organization as at the last conference. Professor Martens is to leave Berlin January 31 for Paris, whence he goes afterwards to London. He wishes his suggestion renewed to the Secretary of State that if the United States Government intends to present any new questions to the conference for discussion a notice of such intention may be sent to Russia as soon as convenient, in order that it may be communicated to the other powers in the programme which will accompany the invitation.)