File No. 2751/15.

Minister Beaupré to the Secretary of State.

No. 512.]

Sir: I have the honor to report that I am in receipt of a card filled out by our diplomatic agent and Consul-General in Cairo, Egypt, in which it is stated that one Jorge Nelken y Waldberg, a naturalized citizen of the United States, who claims to have been born in the Argentine Eepublic, has been refused a passport “on the ground that his character and conduct are such that the department does not see fit to issue one to him,” and in which I am referred to instruction No. 68, of January 31, 1907, to the Consul-General at Cairo, Egypt. It would interest me greatly to know to what extent the personal character and conduct of an American citizen may enter into the consideration of his right to a passport, and I therefore respectfully request that, if not inconsistent with the department’s views, a copy of said instruction No. 68 to the consul-general at Cairo be supplied me.

I am, etc.,

A. M. Beaupré.