Consul-General Iddings to the Assistant Secretary of State.

No. 147.]

Sir: I have the honor to confirm herein the telegram sent to you by me on November 26a last, and your reply received December 1.a

[Page 1077]

I received from the Egyptian government the note dated December 6, of which I forward a copy, with translation, attaching to it copy of my reply, dated December 8. I have called formally on Mr. Alban to express my regret that he should be attacked as he has been by an American citizen.

Awaiting your further instructions, I have, etc.,

Lewis Morris Iddings.
[Inclosure 1.—Translation.]

The Minister for Foreign Affairs to Consul-General Iddings.

No. 853.]

Sir: The attention of the government has been for some time attracted by the actions of a certain individual who calls himself Captain Waldberg and claims to be an American citizen.

This person publishes in Cairo a paper entitled “The Oriental Truth,” in which he has repeatedly printed the gravest imputations and calumnies, as grave as they are false, against British functionaries, more especially against the consular tribunal of Great Britain in Cairo, which has been attacked in a virulent manner in consequence of a sentence passed by this tribunal at a recent trial for assault and battery against a British subject by the aforesaid Captain Waldberg.

I have thought it my duty to bring these facts to your knowledge, leaving it to your discretion to take such measures as you consider proper to put an end to this procedure.

Pray accept, etc.,

Boutros Ghali.
[Inclosure 2.]

Consul-General Iddings to the Minister for Foreign Affairs.

Monsieur le Ministre: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of December 6, 1906, calling my attention to the conduct of an American citizen of Cairo, Captain Waldberg. It is a matter of profound regret to me that a compatriot should lay himself open to so grave an accusation as Captain Waldberg has done.

His procedures had already engaged my consideration when your note was received, and so far as possible I will correct them.

Pray accept, etc.,

Lewis Morris Iddings.
  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed.