File No. 4960.
The Acting Secretary of State to Ambassador Leishman.
Washington, March 6, 1907.
(Mr. Bacon refers to the embassy’s telegrams the 5th, and states that the repeated and apparently chronic delay and evasiveness in fulfilling the promises from time to time made by His Majesty the Sultan and by the Porte have always tended to excite regret and dissatisfaction on the part of this Government, and their continuance now, especially after the cordial assurance given the embassy by His Majesty on the 22d, could not fail to cause an unfavorable impression on the mind of the President, who has on several occasions testified to the Sultan his lively interest in the settlement of these matters, as befits the good will this country bears to Turkey and the friendly relations of the two countries. Says Mr. Leishman should impress this feature of the matter strongly upon His Majesty in the audience he contemplates asking.)