File No. 1021/12–14.
The Secretary of State to the Spanish Chargé.
Washington, November 4, 1907.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Mr. Walls’s note of August 12 last, in which he advises the department that the Cortes of Spain, having authorized His Majesty’s Government to pay before the end of the present year the principal of the debt to this Government acknowledged as due by the convention of February 17, 1834, which is represented by bonds amounting in all to 3,000,000 pesetas, payable in Madrid, as well as the annual interest due on the same on August 14, 1907, His Majesty’s Government has directed him to deliver to this department two checks, dated August 13, 1907, payable to the Secretary of State of the United States by the National Metropolitan Bank of Washington, D. C., the first for $570,000, in payment of the principal, and the second for $28,500, in payment of the annual interest due on August 14 last.
I have the honor further to acknowledge the receipt of the checks above described as representing in full the amount of the principal above mentioned in New York exchange, less the cost of exchange, and the amount of interest due August 14, 1907, under the agreement of 1847, by which it was stipulated that the sum of $28,500, paid in this country, should be accepted as the annual interest in place of [Page 1014] the $30,000 payable annually under the terms of the treaty of February 17, 1834; and, in compliance with the request made in Mr. Walls’s note, I take pleasure in transmitting my receipts in full, each in duplicate, for the principal and the interest due August 14, 1907.
Accept, etc.,