File No. 1021/12–14.

The Spanish Chargé to the Secretary of State.


Mr. Secretary: The Cortes of the Kingdom having granted the authorization requested by the Government of His Majesty the King, my august sovereign, to pay to the United States Government, before the end of the present year, the principal of the debt which was acknowledged as due it by the convention of February 17, 1834 (being represented by 300 bonds consolidated revenue of 5,000 pesetas each and 600 bonds of 2,500 pesetas each, in all 3,000,000 pesetas), as well as the interest due up to the date of this payment, His Majesty’s Government, in accordance with the statement made to your excellency, first orally by His Majesty’s minister, and afterwards in a note of May 28, last, and in view of the fact that the period for the payment of the interest on said debt expires on the 14th of August instant, has decided to pay the aforementioned principal of 3,000,000 pesetas at the time, and it has consequently seen fit to instruct me to place at your excellency’s disposal and to deliver the said principal of 3,000,000 pesetas ($570,000), together with the annual interest due the [Page 1012] 14th instant, viz, $28,500, being in all $598,500, whereby the debt due from Spain to the United States Government under this head will be settled.

For all these sums I have the honor to hand to your excellency two checks marked “A” and “B,” bearing date of August 13, 1907, payable to the order of the honorable Secretary of State of the United States by the National Metropolitan Bank of Washington.

While having the honor to carry out this order of my Government before your excellency, and with the request that you kindly send me a receipt in duplicate for each payment, I avail, etc.

Manuel Walls y Merino.