File No. 79/105–106.

Ambassador Riddle to the Secretary of State.

No. 16.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith a copy of a circular, in the French text and with an English translation, which appeared in the Journal de St. Petersburg of March 19. It exhorts the provincial authorities, under penalty of dismissal and prosecution, to take stringent measures for the preservation of order in the interior.

I have, etc.,

J. W. Riddle.

Circular of the Minister of the Interior to Governors.

According to information in the possession of the ministry of the interior, the peasant population in certain localities, incited by agitators, is, since the [Page 984] elections to the Douma of the Empire, manifesting a tendency to engage in disorder and attacks on the property belonging to their neighbors, landed proprietors, or rich peasants.

Refusing to admit even the possibility of a renewal of the excesses which occurred in 1905 and 1906, I am persuaded that in being foresighted and energetic, as regards the agitators and individuals, whoever they may be, who disturb public order and tranquillity, the local authorities will always be able to prevent any more or less serious outbreak and guarantee the regular course of public life. Taking this into consideration, I deem it my duty to draw your attention to the necessity of taking, without delay, all necessary measures, and of informing the personnel under your administration that functionaries who will be found negligent in taking immediate measures to prevent or repress disorders, as well as to safeguard life or private property, will have immediate puishment inflicted upon them which may lead to their dismissal from the service or prosecution before a tribunal.

In bringing the foregoing to your knowledge, I venture to believe that, conscious of the great importance of the duty invested in you by the Supreme Power, you will make use of all your energy and experience to maintain order within the limits of the Government. I deem it further necessary to warn you on this occasion that the governors will be the first persons to be held responsible should any disorders occur among the peasant population.