File No. 3691.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs of Guatemala to the Secretary of State and to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mexico.


My Government consistently with its traditional desire that peace be unalterably maintained in Central America so that the five sister Republics may in full confidence devote themselves to the development of their elements of progress and welfare, and the unity of their international agreements being a powerful factor in always achieving easily that invaluable result, takes the liberty of submitting to the consideration of the enlightened Government of United States [Mexico], through your excellency’s very worthy medium, the expediency and opportunity of Costa Rica and Nicaragua adhering to the general treaty of peace, amity, arbitration, commerce, etc., signed by Guatemala, Salvador, and Honduras at San José de Costa Rica the 25th of September of last year, which treaty, besides ratifying the arbitration agreed upon on board the Marblehead, provides for the most perfect harmony in the Central American family. If this suggestion, which accords so well with the lofty purposes of the most excellent Presidents Diaz and Roosevelt, should, as I have no doubt, be acceptable to the Government of the Mexican United States, my own Government would be most thankful to your excellency if you were pleased to make the requisite intimations. I further venture to say that we addressed the chancellery of Washington in the same sense this day.

I renew, etc.,

Juan Barrios. M.