File No. 5884/–1.
Chargé Schuyler to the Secretary of State.
Bucharest, April 2, 1907.
Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith two copiesa of the Monitorul Oficial of to-day’s date, which contains the original French text and a translation into Roumanian of the treaty of commerce between Roumania and Italy, of which the text was signed at Bucharest on November 22 (December 5), 1906, and the ratifications exchanged on March 19 (April 1), 1907. To this treaty was added a final protocol signed and ratified the same dates and a convention for the protection of works of literature and are also of the same date. The text of the convention will be found printed immediately after the final protocol of the treaty of commerce. It provides that books published and copyrighted in either of the two countries will enjoy all rights of protection in the other country which is accorded to books published in that country.
I have, etc.,
- Not printed.↩