The Secretary of State to the Netherlands Chargé.
Washington, November 19, 1904.
Sir: In further reply to your note of the 13th ultimo, extending an invitation to this Government to join in a conference of delegates of the powers signatories to the international act of July 29, 1899, which conference is to be held at The Hague sometime during the coming month, with a view to the exemption by means of an international agreement of Red Cross hospital vessels from the payment of taxes and port dues, pilotage excepted, in time of war, I have the honor and the pleasure to accept the invitation so courteously extended by the Government of Her Majesty the Queen, and in connection therewith beg leave to advise you that the American chargé d’affaires ad interim at The Hague has been instructed to attend the conference and to sign the proposed convention, for which purpose full powers have been sent him.
Accept, sir, etc.,