File No. 2151/39.

The Spanish Chargé to the Secretary of State.


The chargé d’affaires of Spain presents his respects to the honorable Secretary of State of the United States and, in obedience to instructions received from the most excellent minister of state of His Majesty, has the honor to communicate to him the translation of the text of a telegram he has just received, and which reads as follows:

The recent outrages committed at Casablanca, while evidencing the inability of the Moorish Government to enforce obedience from its subjects and protect foreigners, imparts even greater urgency than heretofore to the necessity of organizing the police in the ports of the Empire. In this the maintenance and respect of the high authority of His Shereefian Majesty are interested above all. The Government of His Catholic Majesty has concerted in this sense with the Government of the French Republic measures relative to the immediate organization of the police in the city of Casablanca and its suburbs and hopes that through this and other measures that shall have to be resorted to, within the strict respect of the integrity of Morocco and the sovereignty of the Sultan, order, safety, and freedom of commercial transactions in that town will be assured, and that those responsible for the events above alluded to will not succeed in escaping punishment. In accordance with the purpose it had formed from the beginning, the Government of His Catholic Majesty desires that the powers signatory to the general act of the Algeciras Conference be given knowledge of all the foregoing.

In so doing, Don Manuel Walls y Merino, avails, etc.