File No. 41/54–55.
The Acting Secretary of State to Minister Gummeré.
Washington, January 5, 1907.
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your dispatch, No. 152, of the 12th ultimo, by which you advise the department that, in consequence of your agreement with the Moorish government, orders have been issued to the governor of Mequinez to extend every facility to missionaries to procure a house there, apology and payment of $6,000 indemnity have been made in the case of Isaac L. Cohen, $2,000 indemnity have been paid to Solomon Benatuil and Sid Thamy Slawe for depredations of kaids, and the officer who allowed the soldier guilty of an outrage on the son of Thamy Slawe to escape has been punished.
The department is gratified to learn of your accomplishment of these results.
I am, etc.,